Chapter 34

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Maggie POV

"Jacob will you stop drinking already?!" I shouted at him, hoping he would stop

"Fine baby let's just go to our room." He spoke slightly annoyed.

I don't know where this 'baby' came from but if it will get him to go to sleep i'm all for it.

Jacob places his arm over my shoulder while I lead him to our room. I kick open the door once we reach it and lead him inside. As soon as I close the door I'm pinned to the wall.

"What the fu-" I mumble in confusion. Jacob sticks his tongue in my mouth to stop me.

I slap him across the face as he would not let me move out of the corner of our room.

"Jacob what has gotten into you?!" I shout

"I think it's more 'Jacobs going into you'" He speaks a smirk placed on his face.

I slap him again.

"Baby don't play hard to get"

"I'm not playing hard to get 'baby' now get the fuck off me before i punch you in the balls"

He steps away before pushing me onto the bed. In panic I start screaming hoping someone would hear


Joey POV

i've been looking for Maggie for days now. Someone told us that Martin is having a grand party in the finding of his daughter and that it would be tonight. That person was Jerry. Let's just say we got rid of him before he could share some of our information to Martin or Jacob.

The party is apparently in their home so Maggie would be sleeping there for the night.

I look to my watch and notice its 1:53 am. Jerry had told us that Martin always is in bed by 2:00 am no matter then occasionally so with that information we know everyone has left the party as well as from what we can hear which is no more music. That means 7 minutes until go time. The information we got from Jerry was quite valuable. He told us the house plan so we know every room in the house along with who sleeps in them. Jerry told us that Maggie was also probably sleeping in Jacobs bed which made my blood boil.

I take a look at my watch again and notice it's now 1:58. I give a signal to David to let the others know it's time to get in position. Everyone goes into place swiftly.
By the time my watch strikes 2:00 am I step out the van and lead my men into the enemies' gang house.

My men hit all the guards surrounding and inside the building.

"Well done boys, now cover me as I go get Maggie." I signal David as speak the last part of my sentence.

I walk up the stairs, quiet as a mouse, looking for the room Jerry had described.

I no longer need to follow what Jerry had told us as I hear screams from whom I know belongs to Maggie.

I instantly start running towards it, hearing her pleads get louder the closer I get. I try open the door once I realize where it's coming from. The door was locked leaving me to kick the door down as I panic as to what was happening.

The sight I saw filled me with anger. Jacob had pinned her down making out with her. Her breasts were uncovered while her underwear was thankfully still on. He was on top of her in his boxers forcing my poor Maggie into doing something she obviously didn't want.

Jacob got off her as soon as I had busted in. She immediately started covering herself up. I didn't look at her as I know she would feel more then uncomfortable if she knew I had seen her.

I grab Maggie with her tangled in the sheets. I carried her bridal style

"End him" I said to David with a deadly look in my eye.

A soon as I placed her in the car seat she gave me a hug.

"Thank you" She said crying

I gave her a tight hug back before separating ourselves.

"Thank me when I get us out of here" I say running to the drivers seat of the car.

48 Votes until the next chapter!


well that was pretty intense


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