| 19 | Strawberry Cookies

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She didn't say anything. Am I mad? Of course not! From what she knows, I cheated. She's mad and I don't blame her but I want her to know the truth.

"Malvin, this a strawberry." I showed him the strawberry in my hand "These are your mother's favorite. Try it."

He took it from my hand and observed it. He eventually bit into it. "Mmmm." He smiled and finished eating it "So good!"

Like mother like son

"I'm glad you liked it." We finally made it to the library

"Malvin, you know who Belle is right? The woman sitting right there reading a book?" I whispered to him. We were in the doorway of the library.

"Yeah, Grandma Belle." He whispered back "What do I do?"

I looked at him with wide eyes but I couldn't help but smile. "Yeah, her. Go up to her and ask her for the recipe of the amazing strawberry cookies that she makes."

"Why?" He tilted his head to the side in confusion

"We're going to make cookies for your mommy." I kneeled "We're going to surprise her with them and make her happy."

He grinned and quickly nodded before tiptoeing to where she was. "Hi, Grandma Belle!"

She looked up from the book she was reading and smiled "Hi, Malvin. Where's your mom?"

"This is Mal's kid?" My dad asked as he looked at Malvin

Malvin turned to look at him and tilted his head in confusion "Who are you? Are you my grandpa?" He exclaimed excitedly

My dad turned to look at my mom who nodded before smiling. "I guess so. Call me grandpa Adam."

"Hi grandpa Adam!" He smiled before turning to look at my mom. "Grandma Belle, Can you give me the recipe for the strawberry cookies, please?"

She closed her book before turning around and looked at me. I pretended to look around and act as if I didn't know.

She chuckled before grabbing a piece of paper and pen. "Now, Malvin," she began to write on the paper "Go to Mrs. Potts and she will give you all the ingredients." She handed him the paper before he went running to go get her.

"Ben, may I ask why you got Malvin to ask me for the recipe instead of asking me yourself? What are you up to?" She raised an eyebrow

"We're going to make cookies, that's all."

She looked at me not believing a word I said. "Is this about Mal?"

I sighed. I couldn't lie to my mother. "I thought that if Malvin made cookies with me and we gave them to Mal then there would be a higher chance of her forgiving me and hearing my side of the story."

"So you're using her son?"

"It sounds bad but I'm not exactly using him. I did enjoy the time I spent with him two days ago."

Mal and Ben: Bad at LoveWhere stories live. Discover now