t w e n t y - e i g h t

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing. "Ughh" I turned off the alarm and scrolled through Instagram for a bit. I finally decided to get up and change into this.

 I finally decided to get up and change into this

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I walk into first period which was history. Joey then walked into the door and took the seat next to me.

"Okay guys, open up to chapter 4" Mr. John yells. I roll my eyes and open my book to chapter 4. Ugh I hate history. "Hey Mr. John, can I ask you a question?" Joey asked. "Sure" Mr. John replies. "Why is water blue? What came first the chicken or the egg? Does Santa Claus really exist?" Joey jokes. "Joey, proper questions" Mr. John snapped. Joey cut Mr. John off and continues asking Mr. John silly questions. I held in my laughter as the questions got weirder and weirder.

"Why does Superman wear his underwear outside instead of inside" Joey asks. "JOEY! That's it" Mr. John took out a piece of paper and started to write a detention slip.

"Okay why'd you do that" I giggle. "So history won't be as boring for you" Joey smiles and I blush. "PRINCIPALS OFFICE NOW!" Mr. John yells as he hands the slip to Joey. "Ill see you during lunch Es" Joey stands up and walks out of the room.

*skip to lunch*

I walk to the lunch room and take a seat next to Mads and Riley. "Hey" Mads said taking a bite from her sandwich. "Hi" I replied. "Wassup?" I asked. "Nothing much...but did you hear that Chris and Violet are now dating!?" Riley snickered. "Omg no wayyyyy. The fuck boy and the fuck girl are finally together" I laughed. "Haha, wanna come over after school?" Mads asked. "Yes, I really need help with the science homework" Riley replies. "I'm down" I smile.

Jack, Charles and Joey takes the seats in front of us. "Where were you Joey this morning?" Mads asked. "I was at the principals office" he replies. "Why?" Riley and Mads ask in sync. "Haha, he decided he wanted to make History class fun" Jack replies. "Guys look over there" Charles said pointing at Violet and Chris who were making out.

"They are dating now" Riley giggles. "Oh" Joey said looking down. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing, I just didn't expect her to move on that fast" he replies. "Joey she moved on and so should you. She didn't deserve to have someone as kind, caring, and sweet like you. She is a fucking whore forget about her." I held his hand under the table. He then puts on a week smile. "Now that Chris is dating Violet he hopefully won't bother you anymore" Jack says. "Yeah, He is right. You are more important to me then she ever was" Joey squeezes my hand.


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