The Reunion

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"I can't believe I'm actually in New York!" Hals says hugging me tightly, "God I love you Miry and thank you so much for letting me stay here"

"Don't worry about it Hals, I mean everyone is staying here, and its all to ourselves"

"What about your sister?"

"She didn't want to be alone here, and so she asked my mom if she could stay over her friends house since she almost never has"

"She said yes?"

"Of course, sad cause I haven't seen my sister in months but its fine. Same with my mom, she wanted to get away and went to her boyfriend's house."

"So the only people that are going to be in this house is all your friends?"

"Yeah" I smirk, "Don't worry we won't die. Jay lives right down the street, so his mom will be there if we need anything."

"Awesome" she smiles, "You miss all your friends don't you?"

"Yeah." I nod taking Jay's hand, "Especially Jake and John."

"I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean to bring it up."

"Don't worry Hals, Glenn brings it up, him being John's twin and all."

"But we both know you didn't kill John."

I turn around to see Glenn and I run to him and hug him, tears already slipping out, "I love you."

"I love you too. You know that, you know you didn't kill him."

I nod and take Jay's hand, "Lets all go sit down and wait for everyone else to come"

"I call upstairs!"

"Alright let me write it down" I say turning my phone on and going to Notes, "Okay so there's four rooms upstairs and two downstairs, three if you include the garage room."

"Lets not there's enough rooms for everyone" Jay says.

"Alright then. So, Glenn which room do you want, master with bathroom, master or the twin or my room"


"Alright" I say writing that down, "Rach, Nash what do yall want?"

Rach looks around the living room and smiles a tiny bit, "Your room."

"Interesting choice, how come?"

"Because I could see your baby pics and shit" she smirks.

"I hate you" I roll my eyes, "So Blake, Hals master or twin."


"Are yall sure with your decisions?"

"Yup" they all say

"Alright so that leaves Cody and Kyra for downstairs"

"They'll probably have a wrestling match downstairs" Glenn laughs

"Aren't they a couple?" Hals asks and we all laugh.

"Couple? Noo, they've known each other for years and hate each other!"

"Watch them end up together!" Hals says

"Maybe, but its been years of them knowing each other and nothing's ever happen, but theres a first to everything" I shrug.

"Don't yall think its weird that the couples are all staying together? Does that mean we're all going to have to listen to each others moans and shit?" Blake says and Hals slaps him.

"Well, I guess you're somewhat right" I shrug, "But I hope yall learn to either wait until no one is home or learn to not moan loudly" I laugh.

"Yeah, like you can do that" Glenn says.

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