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"How do you know them?" Trevor asks worriedly

"Um, Dominic goes to college with me, and I basically stayed at his house with a friend, and thats how Jay and I first broke up."

"Fuck, do you want to go there?"

I shrug, "Trevor, I know this is none of my business, but does Dominic sell drugs too?"

Trevor bites his lower lip, and turns on the radio, "Do you want breakfast?"

"No, no it's fine."

"Did you eat today?"


"We'll go to a café in a few, you can sleep if you want, I know it's been a long morning for you."

"Thanks again Trevor."

- Jay's POV -

"Jayson get your ass off the couch." Rick says

"You sound like Miry, and you're just as controlling as she is."

"Yeah, yeah, we all know you miss her you don't have to compare me with her. Now get off and go to the room."

"I don't miss her." I clutch my fist by my side, "Why would I miss someone who cheated on me more than once?"

"Don't talk shit about her." Justin says walking over to us

"Y'all just don't want to accept your precious little girl isn't an angel like you think." I say taking a sip of the vodka in my hand.


"What?" I laugh

"Get the fuck out of my house!" Justin yells pushing me out the door, "Find somewhere else to go you asshole."

I roll my eyes and walk over to my car, "Why does everyone side with the bitch."

- Miry's POV -

After half an hour Trevor wakes me up to get breakfast at a cute little café. I just ask for a cup of coffee, but Trevor adds that I want a sandwich. He orders a cup of coffee and a piece of pound cake for himself.

"Trevor I'm fine really, you don't have to buy me anything besides a cup of coffee."

"It's fine" he shrugs

"Trev that's not what I meant." I sigh

"You're going to eat, and that's final alright Miry?" he says softly

I sigh knowing I won't win the fight, if anything he'll buy me more food that I don't want.

When we finish our breakfast we hurry to the car, so we don't get there late and so Trevor doesn't come home late. When we're back in the highway I plug my headphones in and start listening to some rock music. I lean against the window thinking about everything that's happened, all the mistakes I've done, and how-

"Trevor watch out!!"

- Jay's POV -

I start the engine to my car when I realize I have no idea where to go. I call Blake and ask him if I could stay at his house, but when he finds out I'm drinking and that I broke up with Miry he hangs up, what a friend. I pound on the steering wheel and back away from the house quickly, I'll just go to King's.

As I know I'm getting closer to King's house I press the gas harder. Everything that's happen rushes back in. I get back to reality to realize I'm about to hit a car, I automatically swift to the right to avoid the car, but to my luck I almost hit another one, so I swift back to the left where I crash into a pole.

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