The News

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- Rick's POV -

"He's breathing!" Justin yells hugging Jay, "The ambulance is coming" he whispers, "I'm so sorry."

I lower myself next to Justin, "You're going to be okay Jayson."

"But we know nothing about Miry." Justin whispers

- King's POV-

"King, where's that cute girl you fucked?" Junior asks smirking

I quickly pin him to the wall without a second thought, "Say one more shit about the girl, and you're out in the streets."

"Chill" Junior blurts out, "Chill, I was fucking around."

"At least you didn't sleep around"

I turn around quickly and punch Neal in the jaw, "What did you say?!"

"I-I was just-"

"Shut up!" I yell taking my phone out, "What?"

"King, it's Rick. I need you to take me to Rose hospital."

"Rose hospital?" I ask grabbing my leather jacket and going outside, "Why do you need to go there?"

"There was a car accident." he mutters, "Miry- she's unconscious, and-"

"Where are you?" I mutter turning on my car

"Bridge Way."

I hang up and pull out of the driveway, "What the hell were you doing Miry?"

When I get to Bridge Way I see an ambulance and a crashed car, "What happened?!" I yell running over to Rick

"Jay got in an accident as well. He was drunk."

"That idiot." I mutter, "Come on, lets go." I walk back over to my car and Rick goes in the passenger seat, "Why Rose Hospital?"

"I don't know." he shrugs, "Maybe Trevor was taking Miry to Dominic's?"

"Trevor." I whisper, "This is all his fucking fault."

"King it was no ones fault. Shut up and drive."


"We're here to see Miriangely, she was recently in a car accident with Trevor-"

"Tomkin- Trevor Tomkin."

"Ah, yes, you may not see her until the doctor says so, but Mr. Tomkin is in room 210B"

"Thank you." I mutter taking the card and walking way.

"King! King your brother is-"

"Shut up!" I yell walking in the elevator and taking out my phone


"Drop it Rick. Austin go deliver the treats."

"Who are you with?"


"Why can't you do it man, I'm busy."

"I don't care how busy you fucking are Miry and my brother got in a fucking accident, and I'm not leaving them to sell some weed."

"Miry? What happened to her?"

I sigh and run my hand through my hair, "Just shut up, and do your damn job. What do you think you get paid for, sitting on your ass? Go." I say hanging up.

"Are you seriously worried about your goddamn weed being sold?"

"Can you mind your fucking business!"

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