Time after Time

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6th of July, 1483

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6th of July, 1483...

"Oh Anne" Marian whispered as her friend readied her for her coronation which was to take place that day "I-I feel so afraid"
"Do not be, Marian!" Anne said merrily as she brought out the coronation furs, a golden cloak, elaborate patters embroidered onto it and trimmed with ermine.

Richard had commissioned it especially for the coronation. "I used to dream of wearing furs like these" Anne chuckled, draping the garment around Marian's shoulders and nimbly fastening the golden clasp with her small fingers, brushing a lock of her friend's hair out of the way. Marian's dark brown tresses were loose, flowing down her back in silky waves which Anne had artfully arranged, kept checking to make sure their was not a strand out of place.

"B-but what if the people hate me!" Marian started again, sounding like a small child complaining that someone had stolen their favourite toy. Anne quickly shushed her
"Don't be silly, Marian!" She chided "the people shall love you! How could they not?"
"Well, one - because I am the daughter of Margaret of Anjou and we both know what people do call her, and two - because my husband and I have taken the throne from the person they think is their rightful King and put him and his brother in the Tower?"

Anne sighed, placed her hands on her friends shoulder's.
"Do not think of that. Richard is the rightful King, we both know it. Do not dampen your spirits with dismal thoughts. Today is your day, your coronation! The next time you enter the palace you shall be the Queen of England! Richard shall be King! In the eyes of God and of man"

Marian smiled, embraced the smaller woman in front of her and began to laugh
"You are right, of course! As you almost always are! You know, there is something I must ask you"
"And what might that be?"
"Would you do me the honour of holding my train at the coronation?" Marian said, smiling. Anne suddenly looked as if she had been offered the sun and moon.

"Really, Marian? You want me to carry your train?" She asked, clasping her hands together in a childish joy.
"Yes! Yes, Anne, I do. It was supposed to be Margaret Stanley...but-but I want it to be you. We have been through so much together...you have always been by my side, you are my closest friend...and now I want you by my side for this, not anyone else. You" she smiled a little nervously, waited for her friends reaction but was not prepared for the strong embrace her friend gave her, sending both women to the floor in peals of laughter "I take it that that is a yes then?" Marian giggled as she helped her friend to rise.

"Yes! There is nothing I would like better!" Anne replied, hurrying to smooth out Marian's golden gown (the pattern and colour of which, matched her cloak) making sure their were no creases left from the fall, then taking to setting her friend's hair to rights again. She then looked up and beamed once more "I am well and truly honoured"
"The honour is all mine" Marian returned, picking up an assortment of rings, examining them, then placing them back down and reaching for the necklace that was on her dressing table.

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