The Arrival

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March, 1484, Westminster

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March, 1484, Westminster...

"Are we really to see our cousins again, mama?" Lisbet asked as she and Meg walked with Marian to the nursery after breakfast.
"Yes, chérie! You are to see Lizzie and Cecily again!"

"I hope they remember us" Meg murmured, clutching the soft silk of her gown as she thought of her tall, beautiful cousins, always laughing and smiling. She longed to be just like them.
"Don't be silly, Meg!" Lisbet giggled "I'm sure they shall remember us! We remember them, don't we?" Meg nodded, still not convinced, and looked up to her mother for confirmation.

Marian smiled down at her second daughter, gave her hand a slight squeeze as the trio came to a halt at the nursery door.
"They shall remember you, ma cher" she said reassuringly. The door to the nursery opened "now, go and play with the others" Meg's mouth split into a wide grin and she rushed into the room to join the boys in their imaginary battles...but Lisbet held back, now looking troubled.

The Queen kneeled down in front of her, gently put a hand to her cheek.
"What is it, Lisbet?" She cooed softly, tilting her head, an invitation for her daughter to speak her mind.

"It''s just..." she began, stuttering slightly as she struggled to find the right words "will...won't they be angry with us? Lizzie and Cecily, I mean...w-we have replaced them, mama"
"Oh, my dearest child, they will not be angry with you! Your cousins love you dearly, especially Lizzie! Do you remember how much she used to take care of you when you were small?"

Lisbet shook her head before tilting it to the side as her mother had done, frowning a little.
"No, mama...I don't..."
Marian chuckled.
"Well, she did. She used to take care of you from dawn till dusk when she was allowed! You should have seen her rushing all around the palace to find something to comfort you when you started teething! Nothing would stop her! She cares deeply for you, you're like a little sister to her! Lizzie shan't be angry!"

"Are you sure, mama?" The little girl asked, the same unconvinced look on her face as her sister had held just a few moments before.
"I am sure. Just you wait until they arrive later!"

At long last, Lisbet finally nodded and skipped through the nursery doors in search of Maggie. The Queen smiled to herself as she watched her daughter disappear from sight before rising from the ground as turning, nearly jumping out of her skin as she saw Richard standing behind her.

"Jesu, Richard!" She cried, placing a hand on her chest as her heart raced "are you trying to scare me to death." Richard arched an eyebrow and walked forward.
"Well if I was it clearly didn't work!" He said and Marian widened her eyes as her husband began to laugh "of course I wasn't trying to scare you!" He cried, leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to her lips "I just came to tell you that our nieces have entered London and should be with us within the hour"

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