The Final Goodbye

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The darkness dragged her down

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The darkness dragged her down. Pulled her away from reality, from life as the deafening cries of her husband faded into nothing.

All was dark and then, a light appeared. Finding herself suddenly on her feet, she began to tread carefully towards the light. It was beckoning to her, luring her into its brightness but seemingly getting further and further away each time the Queen reached out to touch it.

At last she grew tired of the mysterious light's game and leapt into the air, arms reaching out to claim their prize...but they closed around nothing and Marian felt herself falling...falling...down into another abyss of darkness. She screamed and then she felt her body land.

Hesitantly, she stretched out her hands to feel the surface she appeared to have landed on. It was grass, soft and long. She opened her screwed up eyes and took in the scene. Above her was a clear blue sky, gentle rolling, white clouds floating around in a tranquil manner. Unhurried and relaxed.

Feeling a warm summers breeze brush her skin, Marian sat up and the strength seemed to magically return to her limbs. Rising to her feet, her nightgown fluttered around her ankles and her unbound hair swayed gently from side to side. Walking forward, she then suddenly sprang back, as a tall, willowy figure appeared out of no where. Also dressed in white, blonde curls flowing down her back, the figure turned and smiled.

"Meg!" Marian cried, picking up the skirt of her nightgown and darting forward, flying into her friend's arms. "What are you doing here?" She asked before looking around and raising an eyebrow "W-what am I doing here? Where exactly is here?"

Meg laughed, the same jovial laugh that Marian remembered well; causing her to smile.
"Truth be told, Marian! I do not know! But I like to think of it as heaven"
Her friend's eyes widened
"S-so I'm dead then?" She asked. Meg laughed again
"Well, you could say that" it was a cryptic answer, one Marian was far from satisfied by and she raised her eyebrows again, about to press on with further questions but Meg could see what she was about to do and spoke instead.

"Now is not the time for questions" she said gently as they reached a blanket. Marian stared around as they sat.
"I recognise this place..." she whispered and her friend nodded
"I'm glad you remember it!"
"It's where we had that picnic..."
Meg nodded again and beamed

"Wh-why am I..." Marian began but stopped as she heard the sound of childish laughter and turned her head to see Edward and Richard running towards her, dressed in gold doublets and beaming. She rose, ran to them, tears blurring her vision as she gathered the two boys into her arms, hugged them close.

"Oh, Edward! Richard! You are here! You are safe" as she spoke the words, her heart dropped. They were safe now...but if they were here...surely it meant that they were no longer on Earth...
She looked back at Meg for confirmation and her friend nodded sadly back at her.
"Oh my dears..." Marian whispered, hugging her nephews again "I'm so sorry...who did this to you?"

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