Halls of Whispers

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March, 1485, Westminster, Marian is 31

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March, 1485, Westminster, Marian is 31...

Hand in hand with Lisbet, the Queen and her daughter made their way towards the great hall which was, for the first time in months, alive with music and dancing. Laughter floated though the palace as the jubilant courtiers dashed around the halls wearing bejewelled masks and colourful silks.

Dressed in a turquoise satin gown with slashed, hanging sleeves lined with gold, velvet brocade, the crown of England on her head, wearing a golden half mask of an eagle and her wedding necklace of rubies and diamonds around her neck, Marian Plantagenet, restored to her former health and beauty walked up to the heavy doors of the great hall. The Guards immediately bowed and nodded to her and the daughter, the doors swung open and the two royals were announced,

"Queen Marian and Princess Elizabeth of England!"

The courtiers ceased their dancing and the minstrels ceased their song. All turned and payed their respects to their Queen and Princess before Marian nodded, gestured for them to continue the celebrations which they did with smiles on their faces.

"I see you decided to join us" a voice said and as Lisbet went to join Maggie and her sisters her mother turned to see Richard standing by her side, dressed in a purple doublet with a white boar mask hiding half of his face. She smiled.

Though Marian had agreed to come back to court, she was yet to attend any type of royal celebration, that duty was left to Lizzie but after nights and nights of persuasion from her daughters and husband, the Queen had finally consented to attend that nights masque and would be lying if she said she had not been looking forward to it a little that day.

"It seems I have, my lord" she replied to the King as he took her hand and kissed it lightly.

"Marian!" Lizzie bounded gracefully towards them, her mask a white dove and her gown almost exactly the same as her Aunts only the hue was a light pink. She beamed at the Queen and gave her a quick curtesy before turning to the King and blushing as her eyes met his.
"My Lord, uncle" she said, reddening even more
"Lizzie" he greeted in return smiling at her before she darted away again, disappearing into the crowd.

"Well...she certainly has developed an affection for you" the Queen commented, grinning after her niece.
"Yes, I've noticed and in all honesty I don't know exactly what to do about it" Richard replied as the couple made their way across the hall.
"I'm sure it is fine, it shall just be a passing fancy" the King 'hm'd' and Marian looked at him "Richard?"
"Is all well?"

The King sighed, gave his wife a small smile,
"Of course it is, my sweet" he said "now, my I have this next dance?"
They came to a halt and Marian realised that they were no where near the dais, but in the middle of the hall where the other dancing couples were.

She looked around, feeling a little nervous. She had not danced in months, mayhap she would not remember the steps? No, no it was not that that was worrying her. It was Dickon.

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