Chapter 6

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Remi POV

By anonymous? Who wrote this article? I'll find out

I pulled out my phone and got in the group chat with Me, Blyke , and Isen

Me: Both of you meet me on the roof now

Blyke: Why

Me: Just do it

Isen: I'm sorry I tired to stop them

Blyke: Okay

Blyke: I'm so confused

Me: Just meet me there

I left the group chat and texted John

Me: John

John: Yeah?

Me: Have you read the school paper today?

John: No, why

Me: Get to the roof

John: Okay

I made my way up to the roof. It was weird having everyone stare at me while I was walking down the hall

When I got there I saw Seraphina on her phone.

"Hey Sera" I said

"Hey Remi" she said

"I was going to text you asking you to come up here but I figured you'd be here already" I said

"I take it you've read the paper then?" She said

"Yes" I said

After a few minutes Blyke and Isen made their way up to the room. Blyke was looking confused and Isen was looking sad

"Wanna tell us what this is about remi?" Blyke said

"Not yet we are still waiting on someone" I said

"Okay" Blyke said

After a few more minutes The door to the roof opened and a bruised and bloodied John walked onto the roof

"John" Seraphina said

I ran up to him and put his arm over my shoulder.

"Who did this to you" I asked

"Two Jerks, One had claws and one had a wind ability" John said venom in is words

"Ventus and Meili? What would they want with you" Blyke asked

"Dunno, why did you call us up here Remi" John said

I pulled out a copy of the today's school paper and handed it to John. He took it a read it. Saying nothing he handed it back to me.

"Isen, I take it this is what you were talking about" John said

"Y-Yeah" Isen said

" Wait what?" I asked handing the paper to Blyke

" What the Fuck is this!" Blyke shouted

Yeah that's what I expected him to do.

"But who took that picture?" John said

"That's not what's important right now" Blyke yelled

"Can either of you explain to me, what you were talking about earlier" I said to John and Isen

" After I interviewed John I told him that I would try and stop Cecile from publishing the article" Isen told me

" Why is no one listening to me" Blyke shouted

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