Chapter 24

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Seraphina POV

I woke up on the couch in John and Remi's apartment. I don't know why but I felt awfully warm. I tried to bury my head into my pillow except of the fact that there was no pillow. The surface I was resting my head was less fluffy than a pillow

I opened my eyes slowly and saw a certain nerd shirt in my face. I lifted my head and saw that I was laying on top of Isen who was still asleep

"Oh, huh" I said


I tied to get up but felt a pair of arms preventing me from doing so.

"What he hugging me while we slept?" I thought

I sighed in defeat and just talked back down on Isen's chest. I nuzzled my face against his chest then fell asleep again

John POV

I was laying in bed on my back and looking at Remi who at the moment was snuggled up against my side with both of her arms wrapped around my torso

"She's so adorable when she's sleeping" I thought

I was staying very still so I didn't wake her up. The clock on my desk said that to was 5:30 Am so I didn't wake her up and let her sleep

I looked down at the floof of pink that was the top of Remi's head and smiled

"How did I get so lucky" I thought as I closed my eyes and went back to sleep

*Time skip* Still John POV

I felt something tighten around my torso and woke up from my light sleep to see Remi tightening her grip on me

"Remi?" I said

She looked up at me.

"Morning" I said

She smiled

"Good morning" Remi said still kind of asleep

I tried to sit up, but Remi pulled me down

"No- I want more John Cuddles" she said in the most adorable voice ever

"Okay then" I said submitting myself to the cuddles

After two hours of Remi cuddling with me I got up to make breakfast but Remi was still clinging to me like a cat

I shifted her to my back, giving her a piggy back ride. Then I made my way over to the couch while Remi played with my hair

I saw that Sera and Isen were still sleeping so I decided not to wake them.

It was during this morning where I had to learn how to make pancakes for four people while giving someone a piggy back ride because Remi refused to get off insisting that "She need more John Cuddles and I took that away from her so now I have to manage"

Seraphina POV

I wake up again to the the smell of pancakes. And I wiggled my way out of Isen's arms

I looked at him and realized he was wearing socks. I decided to let it slide and made my way to the kitchen to see John struggling to make a pancake while Remi was on his back playing with his hair.

"Morning Guys" I said

"Oh morning Sera" John said

"Helloooooo" Remi said

"Is that food?" I ask

"Yep, they would have been done sooner but someone refuses to get off my back" John said looking at Remi

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