Chapter 11

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Tuesday (Day two of the New Bostin visit)

Remi POV

I woke up in John's room again, for the last few weeks I was getting used to waking up here a few times a week

I tuned my head the best I could to try to see John. He was still asleep with his arms wrapped around me. I decided to let him sleep for a little while as it was only 6:00

After a bit a struggle I managed to wiggle my way out of his arms without waking him up. Once out of the bed I did my morning things and went back into John's room to wake him up.

I tapped him on the shoulder

"Mm?" John mumbled

"Time to get up" I said

"What are you my mom" John said

I chuckled at his joke before physically pulling John (who had fallen back asleep) out of the bed

I got him all the way to the stairs before I let him stand

"Okay I'm up" he said

"Good" I responded

After John got ready and we ate some breakfast we made our way to the school. When we got there we went into the gym where the New Bostin students were.

"Hello everyone" Arlo said causing the crowd to jump

"We will be handing out class schedules for you guys, so you can see what Wellston classes are like" Arlo continued

A voice came over the intercom

"John and Seraphina, please report to the main office" Keene's voice rang through intercom

I looked at John

"What's this about?" I asked

"Dunno" he said

"Do you know anything Sera" John asked

"Nope" Sera said

"Unless..." Sera trailed off

"Unless what" I asked

Sera turned to John

"Elaine found Unordinary in my room last week" she said

"Could she have said anything?" I asked

"Maybe... If Arlo told her too" John said

That's right Elaine would do pretty much anything for Arlo, if she told him, there is a change he would tell her to tell the headmaster

"Either way we should get going" Sera said

"Right" John said

"Bye guys" I said


John POV

I walked into the office with Sera and sat down in a chair along the wall, Sera sat in the chair besides me.

Keene walked out of Vaguhn's office

"Seraphina you first" he said leading Sera into Vaughn's office

After about 25 minutes the muffled voices coming from Vaughn's office stoped and Sera walked out.

"Was it about the book" I asked her quietly

"Yep" she said

Sera walked out of the office

"John your next" Keene said peeking his head out of Vaguhn's office

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