Chapter 27 - The Easiest Tough Decision

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Trigger Warning: If you do not believe in abortion/are against it, I suggest you don't read this chapter. Your choice.

It was a three days later and I was at Aleena's house once again. Still, Mom knew nothing. Just our little secret. Or well our big secret, having a baby at sixteen isn't exactly a 'little' thing.

"Okay so you can do today?" Aleena called down the phone, treading circles in her room as I sat anxiously waiting on her bed.

"... Uh huh. Yeah. Her name's Regan Marie Stirling... R-e-g-a-n.... Yeah, sixteen, that's right. So she's old enough without parent commission?" She said again, I still gnawing at my fingernails.

Aleena listened. "Okay, great. So that's a half past two appointment? ... Mhm .... Great, thanks so much." She eventually said and hung up.

"Well? What did she say? Aleena?" I started pestering, jumping to my feet.

"Relax Reg, the clinic says we can come at half two and get it sorted, plus you don't need a parent with you because you're sixteen and you're legal, congrats." 

I sighed out in relief. "Time to get rid of this baby." 

I know some teenagers find it a hard choice on whether to keep a baby or not. But for me it was by far the easiest choice to make and not keep it. I didn't want to look after a screaming child, not when I was still one.

I grabbed the phone off the bedside table where Aleena had put it down and started rapidly dialling a number.

"Who are you calling?" Aleena turned to me.

"Jack." I replied. "I want him there too." I nodded and pressed the phone to my ear.

After about ten seconds of hearing the ringing he answered.


"Jack." I said sternly. "It's been booked."

"Regan, what's been booked?" Was he completely blind?

"The abortion, obviously. I need you to come too."

"Regan I can't come.."

I cut him off. "Jack? What, don't tell me you've made plans. You'll have to cancel them, I need you more than anything."

"No Regan, I refuse to go with you. I'm not letting you have an abortion. I want to keep our baby."

My jaw dropped open as my hand slowly desended from my ear. Jack wanted to be a dad?

I quickly hung up. "Jack want's to keep it..."

Aleena shot her head around to me. "And what do you want to do?"

I thought about Jack. But I was the Mom. I was the one that would have to carry it around for nine months, I didn't want a kid end of. This was my choice, not Jack's.

"No. We're going to that appointment." I said sternly, my face serious.

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