Chapter 28 - Bye Bye Baby

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Trigger Warning: If you do not believe in abortion/are against it, I suggest you don't read this chapter. Your choice.

"Stirling, Regan Stirling." I mumbled not making eye contact with the reception desk lady. We were at the clinic and I'd lost all the confidence and determination I had before. I had Aleena by my side, which I was absolutely blessed with having but I wanted Jack. I needed Jack. 

The lady pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose and began to frantically scroll through her computer. "Ah yes, the Doctor's running on time, the wait should be about five minutes so take a seat if you wish." 

Shivering slightly, I pulled down the sleeves to my jumper and sat down on the pale blue chairs, Aleena beside me. I could feel myself a white, ghoulish colour as I shivered a little more. The waiting room was drowned in silence with glum looking people slumped in chairs. Some old, some young, like me. Aleena placed her hand on mine and smiled softly. What was she doing with a best friend like me? Was she mentally ill? A woman in her thirties with her brunette hair pinned back into a bun peeped round the corner, studying a clipboard.

"Miss Stirling? She called out and I rose to my feet, before she smiled and guided me down the corridor to her room.

I breathed in and out steadily as I approached the door. 

"You sure you want me to come in with you?" Aleena raised her eyebrows.

I nodded quickly. "Yes. I need you more than anything." I gulped and pushed the door open. There were two chairs facing opposite from the doctors desk and chair. 

"Please take a seat." The short doctor smiled. "I'm Doctor Stephens." 

Aleena and I took a seat in the chairs. "Nice to meet you." Aleena said as Doctor Stephens scribbled down some words on her clipboard.

"Regan is it?" She swivelled her chair round to me as I nodded slightly. "And you are...?" She raised her eyebrows at Aleena kindly.

"Aleena, Regan's best friend." 

"Okay... Miss Stirling.. I'm going to need to ask you to sign here.." She handed the clipboard with a form on and pointed to the determined area, where I quickly signed.

"And here..." The Doctor went on, which I swiftly did.

"And finally here.." She continued before I did so and she took the form back. "Okay, we're going to need to go through some important criteria before we begin the process, how long have you known you were pregnant?"

"About three days ago maybe? I just want to get rid of this baby." I cleared my throat before answering.

Doctor Stephens nodded. "Sure, okay. Do you have any medical issues or conditions? Because if you do I really need to know now."

I shrugged and thought for a moment. "Only a nut allergy, nothing terminal." I joked slightly but she didn't seem amused. Tough crowd.

"Right, and how do you feel now?" The Doctor said crossing her legs and resting her hands on them.

"Scared... Like I need to throw up..." I saw the Doctor reach for a sick bucket. "But I won't! I'm fine, honestly." I laughed nervously, trying to reassure her.

"It's normal to be like this, Regan. I can assure you that most clients I work with feel exactly the same as you do right now. The last thing I have to ask you is, are you sure you're willing to go through with this?" She looked at me seriously.

I thought for a moment and swallowed the lump in my throat. Did I want to go through with this? Maybe I did want a kid? No, no no no. I didn't want a kid, I was certain about that. But what would it do to Jack? No, this was my choice.

"Let's just get this over with." I swallowed once more.

A/N Another chapter is up :)) I think I''ll have enought time to publish the rest of it tonight omggg. Also, I'm planning on doing a sequel for this fanfic, thoughts?

Gabby :))

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