Chapter 32 - Family Spirit

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A few hours had passed and I entered the kitchen again, where Mom was cooking dinner. She had explained to me that she'd told Dad but he wasn't going to talk to me about it as everything that needed to be said had actually already been said. She wasn't quite her normal self, oddly quiet. I knew this was all down to me, but if Jack hadn't told her everything would have been fine, besides it was kind of his fault that he got me pregnant.

Cameron walked in the room. "Smells good Mom." He smiled at her, rubbing his hands together as she just smiled at him. I also had another older brother named Sean, he was in his late twenties and lived in his own house about two hours away with a nice girlfriend and a child on the way. He had done well.

As Cam and I grabbed a plate. Dad walked through the front door.

"Hey honey I'm home." He called through the hall, but not as cheerful as usual. I had literally killed our family spirit, or Jack had. He walked in, setting his laptop bag down and giving Mom a quick peck. Clearing his throat, he glanced at me, where I awkwardly looked down and began to pile the spaghetti bolognese onto my plate.

I glumly sat down beside Cam with Mom opposite and Dad on the end. Cam didn't know about the news, which I didn't want him to find out about. It was just Mine, Aleena's, the Doctor's, Mom's and Dad's secret. Oh, and Jack's, but it wasn't really a secret to him anymore, he might as well tell the whole world. We sat there eating in silence, which was odd for my family.

"Are you not hungry?" Cam nudged me and nodded to my untouched plate.

"Hmm?" I looked up from swirling my fork around in my food. "Oh." I said plunging back into reality, beginning to shove some in my mouth. I felt bad at the uncomfortable silence around the table, so I tried to make conversation.

"So.. uh Dad, how was work?" I looked up at him awkwardly.

"Fine." He replied blandly and continued to eat, not looking up from his plate. I felt awful. He literally hated me.

I sank down in my chair, frowning slightly as Mom shot him a glare.

"Well, I had a good day." She said reassuring me, maybe she felt bad for me.

"So did I." Cam added. "I met up with Josh and Sam today." He said referring to his friends.

"Oh really, how are they?" Mom said, turning to Cam. It was clear she wasn't that interested in his friends, but she was trying to get the conversation going I guess.

After a few minutes of talking about unnecessary things, I put my knife and fork together, thanked Mom for the meal and walked into the kitchen to empty my leftovers in the bin as I'd hardly eaten anything. I felt worse than worse, sicker than sick. It was all my fault, or Jack's fault, but I'd literally torn the family apart, who knew if Dad was ever going to talk to me again.

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