Chapter 33 - Dad's Still Mad

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I buzzed around the house trying to find my sports trainers. It was a typical Monday morning in my family household. Dad and I rushing around frantically, Mom packing lunches.

"Mom, they're not here." I moaned, scanning the shoe rack where Mom had suggested for me to look.

"Regan, you've left this far too late, have you tried the cupboard?" She called from the kitchen. I scurried around and as usual, she was right. There they were, finally. I picked them up and shoved them in my sports bag. Dad scuttled past.

"We're out of milk, I still haven't had breakfast." He sighed out in frustration, turning to Mom. My Dad was the kind of Dad that relied on Mom to do everything. He worked all day and came home with the cooking and cleaning already done for him. Meanwhile Mom had to do the cooking and cleaning for him all day, and then head out to do her night shifts at the nursing home. I felt bad for her, but she never complained.

"I'm busy honey." She spread butter on two pieces of bread.

I wanted to make amends with Dad, and do nice things for him so we could go back to normal again. "I'll make you some toast!" I insisted, already walking to the toaster.

"I'll grab something on the way to work." He brushed me off before sliding his coat on, giving Mom a peck, and heading out the door with his car keys and laptop bad in each hand.

I sighed and sat down at the island, resting my head on my hand.

"He'll come round." Mom said, smiling slightly.

"No he won't." I said stubbornly. "He's got every right to hate me, I'm the daughter from hell." I persisted and grabbed my bags heading out the door, ignoring Mom's goodbye.

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