Chapter Three

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''What?'' I said as I came face to face with him.

''What the hell happened back there?!''

''You and her happened.''

He totally ignored me, and changed the subject. ''Have you been crying?''

Ah shit, was my mascara running? This was embarrassing.

''Uh yeah. Not over that stupid incident, don't worry, it's about something totally different.''

''Care to share?''

''Yes, I care. So no, I'm not telling you,'' and I turned back to go into the toilets, I didn't want to ball my eyes out again, especially in front of him. He grabbed my arm and turned me around. ''Stop running away from your problems! Come back to science and we'll sit down and sort this all out.''

''No! That's the last thing I want to do!''

''Well, you don't get a choice. Come on,'' he said, pulling me.

Then the bell for lunch rang, just as we started walking back to the science block. I squirmed and he let go, ''Yay, lunch time. Talk to you tomorrow!'' I said, and hurried to the opposite direction, going as quick as I could. He grabbed me again and turned me around and we were facing each other. He actually was a lot hotter than 2 years back. He had soft, messy black hair, green eyes, a tan to die for, and the best, muscly body I had ever seen.

''No, you're coming with me, otherwise you're going straight to your year co-ordinator,'' I figured I'd rather get in trouble from Jason than any of the other teachers here so I just gave in and I followed him back to his room.

He walked in and sat at a desk, and I just stood at the doorway not knowing what I should do. ''Come sit here,'' Jason finally said, pointing to a chair next to him. I sighed and sat down. ''Okay, good. Now, where did that outburst come from?''

''What? When I yelled at Kirsten?''

''Yes. Did you get a little jealous of her flirting with me?'' he chuckled.

''No? Why would I get jealous?'' I was trying not to snap and go off at him for that.


"Listen, she's a slut who has slept with legit every guy in not only our grade, but the year above as well. She flirts with anything with a heartbeat, even though she has a boyfriend. She broke my ex-boyfriend and I up for fuck sake!"

''It doesn't excuse you for what you said to her in class.''

''I don't care, Jason. Give me a detention, see if I fucking care. She deserved every word that I said, if not more.''

''Fine," he sighed, "you have lunch detentions with me, every lunch for the rest of this week, and I want you to apologize to her.''

''No, to the last bit.''

''Yes, you will. And you will cut your disgusting language out before I punish you for that too, I'm letting you off easy Sarah."

 With that, he handed me a piece of paper and pen. 

This is what I wrote:

'Dear Kirsten. I'm sorry for yelling at you in class and embarrassing you. It's not my fault you're a slut and go for taken guys, nor that you flirt with the new teacher even though you have a boyfriend, and that it's against the rules. You need to grow up and fucking realize what you're doing. 

Yours sincerely, Sarah. Xox.'

He would have to get on his knees and beg if he wanted me to write something nice.

I folded it up, put it in my pocket and went to walk out the door. ''How do I know that what you wrote is nice?''

''You won't know.''

''Fine. You have detention still, so come and sit back down. Oh, and why were you crying before?''

I sat down and sighed. "No reason," I replied, resting my head on my arm, looking at him intently.

''You can tell me, you know that.''


"Aww does Sarah have boy problems?" He teased.

"Shut up and leave me alone." I said angrily. Doesn't he know when enough is enough?

Ten minutes or so passed, and I hadn't moved. He was doing work or something at his desk, opposite mine. I put my head so that I was now laying down on the desk and fatigue washed over me. I heard someone knock on the door and walk in. I didn't bother looking up. I just wanted to sleep.

''Oh, hey Miss Paut!'' Jason said.

Oh, how lovely.

"Hey Jason!'' she exclaimed, then I'm assuming she noticed me sitting at the desk. "Sarah?"

''What?'' I muffled, not even raising my head.

''So you have detention already? Ha, wow. I should have seen that coming,'' then she turned back to Jason. ''What happened with her?'' 

He told her. From yesterday, and how I went off at Kirsten, and what I said to her. I felt like banging my head on the desk till I passed out. What's with teachers talking about me when I'm right here? 

 "Sarah, put your head up and look at me,'' she said. I could feel that my eyes were all puffy and I could only imagine they looked like panda eyes. I wiped them and looked up at her. ''Why did you do that?'' she said in a demanding tone.

''Someone had to,'' I replied. It probably wasn't the best response that I should've given her but ah well.  She started going off at me and I just sat there watching her, everything she was saying was going in one ear and straight through out the other. I listened to the last bit, though.

''And you will sit outside every lesson, with a desk in the hallway.''

''What? Why!?''

''Work that out yourself! You're not that stupid.''

I made a grunting noise, picked my back up and left. Then the bell rung, but it wasn't the end of lunch bell, it was half lunch bell. I didn't care, I was over everyone and just needed to get out of there. I made my way to the group and sat down.

''Sarah!'' they all said. ''What happened?''

I told them and tried to eat some of my lunch, but I had no appetite. I was overcome with relief when the end of lunch bell rang, and made my way to fifth period. For the rest of the day, everyone who saw me asked if I was okay. My eyes must look pretty bad. Everyone had heard about what happened with Kirsten, and when I say everyone, I mean everyone in the whole school, teachers included.

 ''Haha about time someone said that to her!'' my friend Hayley said. ''I know! You try telling Mr Hills that!'' she laughed more. The rest of the day dragged on..

I managed to avoid Jason for the rest of the day, thank God. After school, though, I was talking to my friends when Miss Paut walked past me and I accidentally made eye contact with her.
''Sarah, come here for a minute, please,'' so I walked over to her. ''Do you realize that now you're in more trouble than what you were before? Mr Hills will talk to you tomorrow.''

''Thanks for letting me know, that's so kind of you!'' I said sarcastically and walked away, ignoring her calling me back.

Too good to be true [Student/Teacher Relationship]Where stories live. Discover now