Chapter Sixteen

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Beeeep. Beeeeep. Beeeeeeep.

My phone alarm was going off, even though I didn't sleep at all since the guard dropped me off. I stretched, and then jumped off my bed, waking Alana up.

“What are you doing now?” she asked, slurring her words.

“Wake up, it's 6. I'm going to have a shower first, okay?”


I grabbed my uniform of the table and headed towards the bathroom. My uniform was a short skirt and top and white socks that only took up the bottom quarter of your leg. At my old school, we had to wear a dress that went just above our knees, but the same socks. I think that a skirt and top looks better and is more comfortable. I decided to look out the peephole of the door to see if the guard was still there. Sure enough, he was sitting down against the wall opposite the door, sleeping. 

I took a nice, warm shower and shaved my legs. I tried to hurry because of those stupid water limits.

“Hurry up Sarah! We're going to be late again!!” Alana yelled out.

“What's the time?”



I got out of the shower, got changed and straightened my hair, leaving it out and teased a little bit. I brushed my teeth, put my makeup on and ran out of the bathroom. I put my school jumper on and packed my bag.

Period 1- Science

Period 2- Maths


Period 3- Art

Period 4- Geography


Period 5- Religion Studies

Period 6- English

I put my black laced up school shoes on and picked up my bag.

“Are you ready Alana?”

“I'm coming!”

I looked at my phone and checked the time. It was twenty to seven. Hmm. Then my phone started ringing, it was Jason.


“Hey beautiful. How are you??”

“Tired, pissed off, and in trouble. How are you?”

“I'm good. Anyway, I have to go, I'll call you later, I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Have a good day babe, I love you.”

“You too, I love you,” I said then hung up. "Alana we're going to be late!”

“I'm coming!” She yelled, put her shoes on quickly and grabbed her bag. We rushed out of the door, and I noticed the guard had gone. We walked into the hall right on 7 and lined up for our food. We could pick out of cereal, toast, or burnt pancakes. I chose to have fruit loops as I hadn't had them in ages. We took our seats and I picked up my spoon to start eating when Alana slapped my hand.

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