Chapter Thirteen

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Jade's mum dropped me off at home after the movie. Nothing happened since the incident outside, I just went back into the cinemas and watched the movie. Jason and the ex were snuggling whenever I looked over, but I never saw them kiss, thank God. Otherwise I probably would have had a break down or something. Andy and I were snuggling together, but neither one of us went in for a kiss, and I'm not complaining, to be honest I don't know what I would have done if he kissed me.

I hopped into the shower and decided to think about what he said. He said he'd turn himself in if he did anything wrong to me, and to be honest that sounded pretty good. I then remembered something else- I forgot to go to Miss Hunter's detention!  

I thought some more, and eventually got out of the shower after washing my hair and body, and shaving my legs, and then Mum called me. ''Wait, I've just got to get changed!'' She yelled an 'okay' back, and I got dressed into my pyjamas, which were trackies and a sloppy joe. I dried my hair quickly and went to mum's room where she was sitting on her bed watching TV. I sat on the other side of her bed and she turned the tv off and faced me.

''What's up?'' I asked her.

''How's things with you and Jason?''

''I don't know, Mum. He's apologized numerous times, and told me today that he wants another chance and if he stuffs up this time he's going to dob himself in and go to jail or some shit.'' I answered. My mum and I are pretty close, and she always tells me what I should do, and is always right.

''Wow! That's pretty good, Sare. I think you should give him another go, everyone deserves second chances.''

I sighed and gave mum a hug. ''Night, Mum.''

''Night honey.''


As I sat down on my stool at the bench, I was in a deep thought. After what Mum said to me last night, I was considering taking her advice. What if it was him in my shoes, and a guy came onto me and started kissing me, he'd blame me straight away. Suddenly, something over the speakers snapped me out of my thoughts. ''Lockdown, Lockdown. Everyone stay where they are, lock your doors and shut all windows. This is not a drill. I repeat, this is NOT a drill!'' The voice over the speaker said. We all started panicking and huddled under desks, some people went and shut the windows, while Jason went to shut the door but two men in black beat him, and barged in.

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