Chapter Thirty-One

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I pulled away from the kiss with Jason. It didn't feel the same- it felt almost wrong to be kissing him. Maybe it was the time apart, or perhaps I was finally over him. His mouth curled down into a frown and I looked down towards my feet and started heading towards the door.

"I'm sorry Sarah, for everything," he said as I was nearly out.

"One sorry doesn't account for everything you've done. You're the one who suggested that we go on a break and it killed me, but I agreed regardless. You can't come up here expecting to win me back after the cheating, the break, and that phone call. I've had my time away from you and it breaks my heart to tell you this but I can't keep letting you string me along like this and coming back to me whenever you decide to. I'm not on hold for you Jason and it's time that you realized," I said proudly. He just nodded his head and I continued walking out.

I went outside to the courtyard and took a seat on one of the long park bench like chairs and put my headphones in, shutting my eyes and trying to fill my mind with anything except for reality. 

Ten minutes or so later, I felt a tap on my shoulder and jumped instantly ripping my headphones out. I opened my eyes to see Michael standing in front of me laughing.

"Are you right?" I snapped.

"I just saw you sitting over here by yourself so I thought I'd come and give you some company. Can I sit down with you?"

I thought about it for a bit before I answered. Why would he want to sit next to me when I'm pretty sure he hates me? "Um, go ahead," I finally replied and he smiled back and sat down next to me and pulled out a packet of cigarettes out of his jacket pocket.

"Want one?" he asked holding one out to me. Why not? I took it off him and placed it between my lips as he lit it up. I breathed it in deeply and let  the smoke engulf my lungs. It felt amazing. I thanked him as he lit his own, and we sat there silently smoking away. It was quiet, simple, and relaxing. When I was finished, I threw the bud onto the ground and put it out with my foot.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" I asked finally.

"Why not?"

"Er, because of what happened between Ashley and I? I thought you hated me as well," I said quietly.

"Girls will be girls. I always swore I'd keep out of fights like that, and at first I felt like I had to stick up for Ashley because I am dating her, but I just let it slide. I honestly don't care and I have nothing against you!"

I raised an eyebrow at him. What a strange boy.

"So.." he dragged out trying to find something to talk about, "What happened to your hand?"

"Punched a wall, no biggie," I responded shrugging my shoulders as if it was nothing and pulled my sleeve down to cover it more.

"You're a really interesting person, did you know that?" He said, and I didn't reply. What does that even mean?! "Are you liking this school so far?" He asked changing the subject and I was glad.

"Yeah, it's been alright so far and everyone's been pretty nice to me, so I can't really complain. Do you like it here?"

"I've been here since I was 12, so I kind of have to push myself to like it because I don't really have a choice and I know complaining about it will only make it worse," he replied chuckling, and I laughed lightly back. He pulled out another smoke for each of us and lit them up. "How long have you been smoking for?" He asked.

"On and off for about two years, this was my first in a long time though," I replied honestly, "How about you?"

"Oh that's not too bad then. I've been smoking reguarly since I was twelve. It's against the rules here, obviously, but as you've probably already noticed, they don't take shit too seriously here. If you get busted, all you get is a detention."

"Mmmm, most of the teachers I've met haven't exactly let me off easy here so I don't know if I should take your word," I replied laughing.

"That's just because you're new! Give it a couple of weeks and you'll be in their good books in no time, trust me," he said winking. I smiled back and continued smoking. After another ten minutes or so, I decided to go head back to my dorm. It was nearly the end of period four and I couldn't be bothered going to lunch, maybe I' d just take the rest of the day off and skip maths next period. I thanked Michael for sitting with me and I hopped into bed and decided to take a nap, thinking about how nice Michael had been to me just before.

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