481 - 490

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481. Even positive events like graduating from university, getting married or getting a new job can lead to depression.

482. The best remedy for worries, anxiety and stress is reading. This exercise has a faster effect on the body. Surprisingly, this method is much better than drinking alcohol, much more effective than walking, drinking tea or listening to music.

483. There is a principle in psychology: the more expectations about some event, the higher the likelihood of crushing disappointment. You wait more, you get less; you wait less, you get more.

484. Most people in an unfamiliar place keep to the right. If you do not want to be in the crowd or stand in line for a long time, then knowing this fact, feel free to go left or take the queue to the left.

485. People are reluctant to contradict a calm, level-headed person. On the contrary, when someone fiercely and aggressively defends his opinion, he will be resisted and will argue with him.

486. Anger increases people's desire to possess something.

487. You love a certain song because it is associated with an emotional event.

488. You can only remember 3-4 things at a time.

489. You imagine objects from above and at an angle.

490. Psychologists have determined that it takes only 45 seconds for a woman to appreciate an unfamiliar man. Of these, she builds a general impression of the figure for 10 seconds, evaluates the eyes for 8 seconds, looks at the hair for 7 seconds, looks at the lips and chin for 10 seconds, and looks at the shoulders for 5 seconds. And the last 5 looks at the ring, if it is.

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