551 - 560

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551. Smarter people underestimate themselves. Ignorant people think they’re brilliant.

552. Happiness is not out there for us to find. The reason that it’s not out there is that it’s inside us.

— Sonja

553. When a rule seems too strict, you want to break it even more.

554. There is a gene that can cause you to be negative most of the time.

555. You automatically second-guess yourself when other people disagree.

556. You  unintentionally believe what you want to believe.

557. Women are very concerned about issues relating to physical attractiveness; changes in this area can be as difficult for women as changes in a man’s financial status.

558. When men are preoccupied with work or money, women interpret it as rejection.

559. People who speak two languages can unintentionally change their personalities when they switch to speak from one language to another.

560. People between the ages of 18 and 33 are the highest percentage to have depression in the world.

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