1991 - 2000

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1991. Men aren’t from Mars. Women aren’t from Venus. They’re the same species from the same planet. But the sexes certainly aren’t the exact same. The differences between men and women are real and important.

1992. In a study, scientists have discovered that no one is able to tell the source of our nocturnal dream. Most dreams have a meaning, you should write down all your dreams in the morning right after sleep. They can often tell you about the future or solve your life and you will be surprised to know that Larry Page also came up with the idea for GOOGLE in his sleep.

1993. Psychology says that the person who loves the color black has the most colorful mind.

1994. Studies show that a person who loses a cell phone experiences panic similar to a near-death experience.

1995. Babies born in May are usually heavier than in any other month.

1996. Our mind is able to detect danger. If your.

1997. Good morning and good night text messages will activate the part of the brain responsible for happiness.

1998. Einstein slept without socks. They found themselves too often according to him. Besides, he also fell asleep with a spoon in his hand with a metal plate underneath. This in order to let the ideas flow when the spoon falls on the plate while falling asleep.

1999. The existence of others has a great influence on behavior.

When certain people witness an accident, the more people present, the less likely it is that someone will come to help them. It's the bystander effect.

2000. You want your competitors to agree with YOU: just tell them at the beginning of the conversation: "You're right", even if you don't agree with them. After hearing this their mind will lose resistance, now present your argument while nodding. This nonverbal cue forces others to be more likely to agree with you, and they won't even realize why.

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