1471 - 1480

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1471. The most difficult emotions to fake are sadness and anger.

1472. Those people who prefer to use only their second name for the signature are thought to be formal and reserved. You can choose to write your full name either. That means your attitude to life is more relaxed.

1473. Your emotions can also affect your physical body. Jealousy has been known to cause stomach aches, and stress can cause headaches.

1474. When you see a signature with a slant to the right you can be sure that its owner is sociable and friendly person. The signature slanted to the left shows us modest people who don't like to push themselves forward.

1475. Drinking alcohol takes away the ability to put your emotions in check. Acting out on your emotions while drunk can lead to other emotions such as guilt and shame.

1476. Peter Parker is probably the most relatable superhero - maybe ever - because he goes through something that basically everyone has to go through. Whether it's puberty or talking to girls or doing homework, he does it in such a human way. That's why he's such a beloved character: because so many people can relate to him.

-Tom Holland

1477. The mind is the instrument you must employ for the accomplishment of any purpose.

1478. When you first meet people, try to notice their eye color while also smiling at them. It might be because you look for a second or two longer, but all I can tell you is that people really respond to it.

1479. Pay attention to people's feet. If you approach two people in the middle of a conversation and they only turn their torsos and not their feet, they don't want you to join in the conversation. Similarly, if you are in a conversation with a coworker who you think is paying attention to you and their torso is turned towards you but their feet are facing in another direction, they want the conversation to end.

1480. Foot-in-the-door phenomenon. People are more likely to agree to do a task for you if you ask them to do something simpler first. Gradual commitment makes people think you like them.

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