1911 - 1920

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1911. Girls like guys who are romantic. They like guys who are willing to make their fairy tale-like dreams of kissing under the tree happen.

1912. Girls, however, do not like guys who are overprotective. They have had enough with their parents; they don’t want another protective guard when they enter a relationship.

1913. Girls like surprises. A guy might be tired of organizing surprises, but some girls will never be tired of these cutesy stuff.

1914. Girls like to hold hands with their boyfriends. They like to feel their lover every time they’re taking a stroll in the park or somewhere else.

1915. Girls want to be asked for pieces of advice. It makes them feel that they are trusted.

1916. When they think you look good with a certain clothing, they want you to wear it more often.

1917. Girls prefer guys who don’t only talk about sex. They want relationships that are more than just a series of physical affection.

1918. Girls do not like guys who are too flirty. If you’re serious with a girl, then quit playing.

1919. Girls want guys who are proud of them, who won’t be shy to tell people that you are together.

1920. Girls dislike guys who keep on talking about their exes. It makes them think you are still not over her.

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