1611 - 1620

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1611. Compared to other animals, we humans enter the world remarkably weak and helpless. We remain relatively weak for many years before we can truly operate on our own.

-Robert Greene

1612. To dream that someone is dying means you are really worried about something.

1613. Why regret anything? Where does it get you to regret anything you've ever done in your life? It gets you nowhere. It's a pathetic emotion that you can wallow in.

-Robert Greene

1614. Your subconscious mind surfaces when you are not fully alert

1615. According to researchers, women who have been shown ideal and perfect body images usually lower there satisfaction with their own attractiveness.

1616. A study shows that men who feel hungry often, preferred women with higher weights.

1617. When I say 'Crush your enemy', I don't literally mean it.

-Robert Greene

1618. Imagine a positive outcome of your problems, fully feel the enthusiasm from what has happened .All your fantasies and feelings are clearly accepted by your subconscious and then implemented in life!

1619. I don't follow all the 48 laws. Like, I've never crushed anyone totally.

-Robert Greene

1620. You forget 90% of your dreams.

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