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3 months later
Ambers pov

Me and Jack might be breaking up but I don't know. We've been fighting a lot and it's getting annoying. I'm with Snacks and Pranks at a movie theater. we were watching Inside Out. I was going to see this with Jack but I didn't want to really see him. "OMG Snacks stop stealing my popcorn!" Pranks whispered/yelled. "Guys just shut up. I'm trying to have a good time without yelling." "Ok sorry" they both said. Then they started fighting again so I got up and I told them that I would sit between them. While we were talking Pranks gave a look to Snacks and I was soo confused. " Why are you looking like that to each other?" "We just want you to know whatever you want to do after this we won't leave you and if you want to be alone were not letting you." Snacks said very cautiously " Uhhh ok." Pranks turned my head to where a guy was talking to another girl while his arm was around her. " Who dat?" " That's Jack." And my heart shattered. "Don't worry guys I still want to watch the movie." " You sure?" Pranks asked " ha it's a waste of money if we didn't."


We waited till Jack and his friend left. I don't want to jump to conclusions but he might be dating her. I'm hanging out with guys so yea. "Guys I don't want to go home yet so can we go somewhere" "yea sure where" "Anywhere but home."


Right now we're at Snacks' and Pranks' house and were just talk if I should break up with Jack. "It's your relationship" Pranks said
"Ya but you guys have to help me." "Talking to him bout it then see what you should do" Snacks said "I will thanks guys." After that talk we've been watching movies and I asked if I could sleepover and they were cool with it. Later that night I didn't know what I should do we're gonna probably break up anyways. With that I fell asleep. I went downstairs and Pranks and Snacks are making breakfast. They made pancakes and it was delicious. They offered to drive me home since they drove me to the movies but I said no because I want to think about what I was going to say to Jack if he's home. I went to Starbucks and saw this really hot guy like whoa 😍😍. We talked for bout 30 minutes and I found out his name is Ryan and he has a twin named Cole and he's a year older than me an he's supper cute. "Hey sorry I have to go but here's my number" I gave him my number and before I could go he asked "Hey I know we just met but do you want to go on a date with me?" "Ya I would like that." YESSSSS OMG A CUTE GUY JUST ASKED ME ON A DATE!!!!! 😍💜💘


"Hey" JJ greeted me when I got home. "Hey is Jack here" "Ya he's in his room" "Ok thxx" I was thinking how I was going to tell him I just don't want to fight. I went in his room and saw something that kinda broke my heart kinda not. "Ohhhh sorry I didn't mean to interrupt." "OMG Amber it's not what it looks like." "Its ok I was going to break up with you anyways and I knew it wouldn't last." I said with no emotion in my voice. I went to my room and saw a text from Ryan
Ryry💜- Hey you want to go out this weekend
Ambrrrr- Sounds great
And we just talked about movies and life. some people might call me a slut but I could care less because my ex-boyfriend cheated on me. i kinda cheated on by saying yes to go on a date but I didn't kiss him.


This will all be explained in the next chapter!

Did anybody go see 5sos on July 20th? Omg, it was so fucking amazing!!

Anyways, birthday girl signing off! (<I'm so lame, omg)

Bye guys! (❃•̤ॢᗜ•̤ॢ)✲*。♡

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