Chapter 4

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Inside the cramped confines of the landing pod, N and Uzi found themselves in a rare moment of respite amidst the chaos that surrounded them. While Uzi busied herself with repairing the damaged systems and mumbling to herself, N attempted to engage her in conversation, his tail wagging eagerly as he sought to lift her spirits.

"That's a nice conversation you're having over there," N remarked with a playful grin, his optics gleaming with mischief. "Wish I could be a part of it, though."

Uzi glanced up from her work, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her lips despite herself. "Sorry, N," she replied gruffly, her voice softening slightly. "Just trying to get this damn pod back in working order."

N's expression fell, a hint of disappointment flashing across his features before he perked up again, his tail wagging even faster than before. "Well, you know what they say," he chirped cheerfully. "All work and no play makes Uzi a dull drone. How about taking a break and doing something fun?"

Uzi rolled her optics, but couldn't suppress a small chuckle at N's infectious enthusiasm. "Fine," she relented begrudgingly. "What do you suggest?"

N's optics lit up with excitement as he rattled off a list of activities. "We could watch some anime, or you could try your hand at drawing," he suggested eagerly. "Or we could even cuddle!"

Uzi's digital eyebrows shot up in surprise at the last suggestion, a faint blush coloring her visor. "What was that last one?" she asked, her voice tinged with amusement.

"Nothing!" N replied quickly, his tail wagging even faster as he tried to change the subject. "Let's go with drawing! I'll even show you my latest masterpiece."

With a flick of his wrist, N produced a small sketchbook from his pocket, flipping through its pages with a flourish before landing on a particular drawing. Uzi leaned in closer, her curiosity piqued as she examined the intricate lines and shapes that adorned the page.

It was a drawing of them as dogs, N depicted as a playful puppy with wide, eager eyes and Uzi as a sleek, determined canine with a hint of mischief in her gaze. And beside them were two other dogs—one named Honey and the other named Spirit of Norway, whatever that meant.

Uzi couldn't help but smile at the sight, a nice warmth spreading through her chassis at the simple gesture of friendship. "Not bad, N," she remarked with a grin, her earlier frustrations momentarily forgotten. "Not bad at all."

As N and Uzi enjoyed their moment of respite, their peaceful interlude was abruptly shattered by the arrival of V. With her sharp features and bobbed hairstyle, she cut a striking figure as she entered the pod, her presence immediately disrupting the fragile harmony inside.

"Hey, purple thing," V greeted Uzi with a smirk, her tone laced with malice. "Still tinkering with your broken toys, I see."

Uzi bristled at the insult, her temper flaring as she shot back, "Shut it, bitch-bot. At least I'm useful for something other than making everyone's lives miserable."

V's smirk widened into a grin, her optics gleaming with mischief. "Ooh, feisty today, aren't we?" she taunted, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "I bet I could make a nice toaster strudel out of you."

Uzi's face darkened with anger, her hands clenching into fists at her sides. "Bite me! You want a piece of me, V?" she growled, her voice low and dangerous. "Bring it on."

N's core sank as he watched the two girls square off, their tempers flaring and their insults flying fast and furious. He hated when they fought—it always left a sour taste in his mouth, a bitter reminder of the fragility of their (kind of) friendship.

"Come on, guys," he pleaded, his voice tinged with frustration. "Can't we all just get along?"

But his words fell on deaf audio receptors as V and Uzi continued their verbal sparring, each refusing to back down from the other. And as their bickering reached a fever pitch, N knew he had to intervene before things got out of hand.

"Enough!" he declared, his voice firm as he stepped between them. "V, stop antagonizing Uzi. And Uzi, enough with the threats. This isn't helping anyone."

But despite his best efforts to mediate, the girls paid him little heed, their animosity towards each other too deeply ingrained to be easily quelled.

Frustrated, N turned to Uzi with a pleading look. "Would you rather just hang out outside in the corpse spire?" he offered, hoping to diffuse the tension before it escalated any further.

But to his dismay, the girls simply ignored him, their attention consumed by their own personal vendettas. And as they continued to trade barbs and insults, N couldn't help but feel a sense of helplessness wash over him, knowing that their friendship hung in the balance.

But amidst the chaos of their arguments, a flicker of common ground emerged—a shared desire to find Doll and confront her for her actions. Though their methods differed, their determination burned bright, fueling their resolve to see justice done.

"Trust me," V began. "There is nothing in this universe that could hurt Doll worse than what I'm gonna do to her."

* * *

As Doll lay cocooned in resin within the confines of the crashed shuttle, her CPU raced with fear and confusion. The events leading up to her current predicament were a blur—a low hiss, a sudden movement, and then darkness.

But now, as she regained consciousness from a frightening dream, she found herself face to face with a nightmare incarnate—a Xenomorph, its sleek and terrifying form looming over her like a specter of death.

Doll's core pounded in her chassis as the Xenomorph approached, its movements graceful and predatory. It seemed to examine her with an almost clinical detachment, its inner jaw extending as it traced its head along her cocooned frame.

Fear gripped Doll's core as she watched the creature, her processors racing with a million questions and no answers in sight. What did it want from her? Why had it spared her life when it could have easily ended it?

But as the Xenomorph made its decision and turned away, leaving Doll alone in the darkness of the shuttle, she couldn't shake the feeling that her ordeal was far from over. Whatever plans the creature had in store for her, she knew she would have to find a way to escape its clutches if she had any hope of survival.

As Doll lay trapped in the confines of the cocoon, her senses heightened by the overwhelming fear that gripped her, she heard the ominous sound of the Xenomorph's return. Her vents turned into ragged whimpers as she watched the creature approach, a sense of dread settling over her like a suffocating shroud.

But this time, the Xenomorph carried something with it—an egg, similar in appearance to those she had just seen in her nightmares, yet subtly different. Its surface glistened with an organic texture, reminiscent of carrion, sending a shiver of revulsion down Doll's metallic spine.

With a sickening sense of inevitability, Doll watched as the Xenomorph placed the egg before her, its flower-like flaps unfurling to reveal the grotesque contents within. And as Doll's optics voided in horror, a creature unlike any she had ever seen emerged—a tailed abomination that resembled a twisted cross between a spider and a crab.

It was a facehugger, though Doll knew not what to call it. All she knew was the overwhelming sense of terror that washed over her as the creature leapt towards her, its tail coiling around her head as it sought to fulfill its sinister purpose.

Doll's screams were silenced by the creature's relentless advance, her vision blurring as darkness enveloped her like a suffocating blanket. And as she slipped into unconsciousness, her processors reeling with confusion and fear, Doll knew that her ordeal was far from over—that the nightmare had only just begun.

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