Chapter 15

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As Kennedy rejoined Cameron, Kim, and the civilians, tension hung heavy in the frigid air, the uncertainty of Singh's whereabouts casting a pall over their already precarious situation. Cameron wasted no time in pressing Kennedy for answers, his voice edged with concern as he inquired about their missing comrade.

"Kennedy, where the hell is Singh?" Cameron's tone was clipped, his eyes scanning their surroundings for any sign of danger.

Kennedy met his gaze evenly, her expression guarded yet resolute. "I checked around, but he wasn't with the others. Last I saw, he went down a staircase in one of the ruined buildings nearby. Figured he might've found another way into the bunker," she explained, her voice steady despite the unease that gnawed at her insides.

Cameron's brow furrowed in thought, weighing their options as he considered Kennedy's words. With a decisive nod, he turned to the group, his voice carrying across the desolate landscape.

"Alright, everyone, rally up! We're heading to that building," Cameron announced, his authoritative tone brooking no argument as he led the way through the snow-covered ruins.

Kim followed closely behind, his gaze flickering between the towering structures that loomed ominously around them. The civilians trailed behind, their faces drawn with worry as they clung to the hope of finding safety within the confines of the bunker.

As they approached the designated building, a flicker of light caught Cameron's eye, drawing his attention to the flare that Kennedy had strategically placed before her departure. Relief washed over him as he realized they had a clear marker to guide their path through the labyrinthine ruins.

With renewed determination, Cameron quickened his pace, his senses on high alert as they ventured deeper into the heart of darkness. Each step brought them closer to the truth of Singh's fate, and Cameron prayed they would find him unharmed within the sheltering walls of the bunker.

* * *

As the mercenaries regrouped and each member was accounted for, they descended into the lower levels of the old building, their footsteps echoing through the dimly lit corridors. The tension in the air was palpable, each member of the group acutely aware of the imminent danger that lurked in the shadows.

Upon reaching a wall covered in resin, Davis's keen eye caught sight of the telltale substance, tracing its path with a sense of grim determination. His realization sent a chill down the spines of his companions, their expressions a mixture of apprehension and awe at the sheer cunning of their alien adversaries.

"Looks like the Xenomorphs have dug themselves a backdoor into the bunker," Davis remarked, his voice tinged with a begrudging admiration for their ingenuity. "Remarkable."

Sinise exchanged a wary glance with Whistler, a hint of suspicion creeping into their expressions. "Remarkable indeed," Sinise remarked, his voice laced with skepticism. "Almost too remarkable, if you ask me."

Whistler nodded in agreement, his grip tightening on his weapon as he surveyed their surroundings. "It's not every day you come across a creature that can make plans. How are they even that smart, they're animals?" he added, his eyes darting warily around the room.

Cameron, ever the pragmatist, focused on the task at hand. "We can't afford to underestimate them," he cautioned, his voice firm and resolute. "We need to find a way to exterminate these fuckers before they have a chance to wipe out the bunker."

Davis's gaze flickered between his skeptical comrades, his expression unreadable as he considered their words. Despite his acknowledgment of the Xenomorphs' intelligence, he knew that their ultimate goal remained the same: survival at any cost.

"We can debate the merits of the Xenomorphs' intellect later," Davis said, his voice firm with resolve. "Right now, our priority is securing that bunker and ensuring the safety of everyone inside."

* * *

As the mercenaries followed the tunnels into the air ducts, Davis took the lead, his boots echoing softly against the metallic surfaces. The ducts were a maze of twisted passages, their walls slick with resin that glistened ominously in the dim light. Every so often, a faint drip echoed through the corridors, a constant reminder of the lurking danger.

"Watch your step," Davis cautioned, his voice low as he navigated the treacherous terrain. "The resin makes the surfaces slippery."

Sinise grumbled under his breath, his gaze darting warily around the cramped confines of the ducts. "Damn bugs and their damn resin," he muttered, his tone laced with frustration.

Whistler, ever the optimist, tried to lighten the mood with a joke. "We call 'em bugs a lot. Do you think a can of Raid would work on 'em?" he quipped, earning a chuckle from a few of his comrades.

As they pressed onward, the air grew colder, the chill seeping into their bones with each passing moment. Fischer shivered, her breath forming misty clouds in the frigid air. "Remind me again why we signed up for this gig?" she muttered, her teeth chattering slightly.

Coleman, his grip tightening on his rifle, shot her a reassuring smile. "Because when else can you get paid to hunt aliens?" he replied, his voice tinged with dark humor.

Amidst the banter, Cameron's voice cut through the chatter, commanding attention. "Stay focused, people. We're not out of the woods yet," he reminded them, his tone firm and unwavering.

As they ventured deeper into the ducts, the resin became thicker, coating the walls in a sickly sheen. The air grew heavy with the scent of decay, a foul odor that clung to their senses like a tangible presence.

Kim, his expression grim, scanned their surroundings with a practiced eye. "This place gives me the creeps," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.

Cameron nodded in agreement, his gaze sweeping over the labyrinthine passages. "Just stay alert. We're on a mission, and we're not stopping until it's done," he declared, his voice echoing with determination.

With each step, the tension mounted, the mercenaries steeling themselves for whatever horrors awaited them in the depths below. As they prepared to face the unknown, they knew that their courage would be tested like never before.

"We need to propel down here," Davis advised, gesturing towards an opening in the ducts. "This area is likely under some sort of power source for the colony, making it the perfect breeding ground for Xenomorphs."

Cameron nodded in agreement, his expression grim. "Kim, take the civilians and go deeper into the air ducts," he ordered, his voice firm and authoritative. "We'll meet back up with you once we've cleared out the Xenomorph infestation down there."

Kim nodded, his gaze unwavering as he ushered the civilians away, their safety his top priority. With a final glance back at Cameron and the rest of the group, he disappeared into the darkness of the ducts, his footsteps echoing faintly in the distance.

Cameron turned to the remaining mercenaries, his jaw set with determination. "Alright, let's move out. We've got a colony to save," he declared, his voice ringing with resolve as they prepared to face the horrors that awaited them in the depths below.

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