Chapter 8

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Lizzy, the quintessential high school cheerleader, her golden locks cascading in loose waves over her metallic head, lounged in the living room alongside her unexpected guest, V. With her sharp tongue and quick wit, Lizzy was well-equipped to hold her own against V's razor-sharp remarks and murder queen demeanor.

Meanwhile, Lizzy's father, a tired and weary figure, emerged from his slumber, his weary optics casting a glance around the room as he took in the sight of his daughter and her uninvited guest. With a resigned sigh, he muttered a half-hearted greeting, his voice tinged with a hint of apathy as he addressed his daughter.

"Morning, Lizzy," he murmured, his tone devoid of any real enthusiasm. "Next time, just let me know if you're inviting a friend over."

But Lizzy's response was swift, her tone dripping with sarcasm as she shot back a retort. "I didn't invite her," she quipped, her gaze flickering towards V. "She just showed up in my room last night."

Her father's response was a weary shake of the head, a silent acknowledgment of the chaos that seemed to follow in his daughter's wake. With a resigned sigh, he turned his attention elsewhere, leaving Lizzy and V to their own devices as they prepared to face the challenges of the day ahead.

* * *

The gentle glow of dawn seeped through the frosted windows of Uzi's modest home, casting a soft light upon the room as the household stirred awake to greet the new day.

Uzi, her processor already buzzing with the impending tasks of the day, moved with purpose around her room, gathering textbooks and school supplies into her worn backpack. Beside her, N, ever eager to lend a helping hand, hovered attentively, his golden optics reflecting the warmth of his affection for his friend.

"Thanks for helping me pack, N. I swear, if I forget my math homework one more time, my grade is gonna be in the negatives," Uzi tiredly told her friend.

"No problem, Uzi! Anything to make your day a little easier. Plus, it gives me something to do! I love doing anything. I can't wait to see your school."

Their banter was interrupted by the sudden appearance of Khan, Uzi's father, his stern expression betraying his concern for his daughter's safety.

"N, you know the rules. You can't accompany Uzi to school. It's too risky."

N's tail drooped slightly at Khan's words, disappointment etched across his metallic features.

"But... but I just want to make sure she gets there safely."

Uzi stepped forward, standing on her toes so that she could place a reassuring hand on N's shoulder as she addressed her father.

"Dad, N's just trying to help. And besides, it's not like anything's going to happen on the walk to school. Please, can't he come with me just this once?"

Khan hesitated, his gaze flickering between his daughter and the eager disassembly drone before relenting with a resigned sigh.

"Fine," Khan said. "But only to the school's beautiful front doors, and then he comes straight back here. Understood?"

N's optics brightened with gratitude as he nodded eagerly and snapped into a salute, a sense of relief washing over him at the prospect of accompanying Uzi on her journey.

"Got it, Mr. Uzi! Thanks!"

And so, with Khan's reluctant approval, Uzi and N set off together, their footsteps echoing in rhythm as they ventured out into the crisp morning air of the bunker.

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