Chapter 9

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Uzi's metallic voice trembled as she recounted the harrowing scene she had witnessed, her words rushing out in a frantic stream. "I'm telling you, I saw it! There was this... this thing, with wings, and it attacked Darren and Rebecca! It was like something out of a nightmare," she insisted, her optics hollow with fear.

Sam, a studious drone seated at the front of the class, raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Come on, Uzi, you expect us to believe that? Sounds like you've been watching too many horror movies, man," he remarked, his tone laced with doubt.

Braiden, a skeptical drone known for his complaining, scoffed dismissively. "Yeah, Uzi, next you'll be telling us aliens abducted you and you got probed," he joked, earning a round of laughter from his classmates.

Emily, a quiet and reserved drone who sat in the back, offered a sympathetic glance towards Uzi. "I-I believe you, Uzi. You seem really shaken up," she murmured softly, her voice barely audible over the din of disbelief.

Lizzy, ever eager to assert her dominance, seized the opportunity to ridicule Uzi further. "Oh please, like anyone would believe your crazy stories. Maybe you should lay off the magnets," she quipped, her words dripping with disdain.

The teacher, Lizzy's father, sighed wearily as he addressed Uzi. "Uzi, I understand you're upset, but we can't have disruptions in class. Perhaps a visit to the principal's office will help clear your head," he suggested, his tone tinged with impatience.

Defeated and frustrated, Uzi shot back one last plea for understanding. "You'll see, I'm not making this up! Something terrible is happening down there, and if we don't do something, it'll be too late," she insisted, her voice tinged with desperation as she turned to leave the classroom, the weight of disbelief heavy upon her shoulders.

Before she left, she stopped to say one last thing. "All of you can freakin' bite me!"

* * *

Uzi sat in the dimly lit waiting room of the principal's office, her metallic fingers tapping nervously against her knees as she waited for her turn to face whatever consequences awaited her. The air hung heavy with tension, and she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at her circuits.

As she stared blankly ahead, lost in her thoughts, the sound of approaching footsteps snapped her back to reality. A jock drone, Thad, sauntered into the room, his easygoing demeanor a stark contrast to Uzi's anxious state. His bright green optic lights sparkled with curiosity as he settled into the seat next to her.

"Hey there, what's got you stuck in this lovely place?" Thad asked, flashing a charming smile as he tilted his head towards Uzi.

Uzi hesitated for a moment, unsure of how much to divulge to a relative stranger. But the words spilled out of her in a rush as she recounted the terrifying events she had witnessed in class. Thad listened attentively, his expression shifting from curiosity to skepticism as Uzi spoke.

"Huh, sounds pretty wild. You sure you weren't just seeing things, 'Zi?" Thad questioned, his brow furrowing slightly as he processed Uzi's tale.

Uzi shook her head adamantly. "No, I swear, it was real! You have to believe me," she pleaded, desperation creeping into her voice.

Thad offered a sympathetic smile, though his skepticism lingered. "I'll keep an open mind, but you might want to lay off the magnets, just in case," he teased gently, trying to lighten the mood.

As Uzi's anxiety mounted, she glanced towards the door of the principal's office, steeling herself for whatever awaited her inside. But before she could gather the courage to enter, a faint hissing sound echoed through the corridor.

Uzi's optics widened in alarm as she turned to see the Xenomorph slinking towards them, its grotesque form illuminated by the flickering overhead lights. Without a second thought, she lunged towards Thad, trying to warn him of the imminent danger.

But it was too late.

In an instant, the Xenomorph seized Thad, its jagged claws tearing through his frame as oil splattered across the walls. Uzi recoiled in horror, clutching Thad's fallen baseball cap tightly in her metallic grasp as she scrambled to her feet and fled from the room, the echoes of her friend's screams haunting her every step.

* * *

As Uzi burst into the hallway, her breaths coming in ragged gasps, she scanned the faces of her classmates, desperation etched into her features. Spotting her own class gathering their belongings, she wasted no time in rushing towards them, her voice a frantic plea.

"Wait! You have to listen to me!" she cried out, her words echoing off the cold, sterile walls.

Her classmates turned to face her, a mixture of confusion and concern reflected in their expressions. Uzi thrust Thad's oil-slicked cap forward as evidence, her hands trembling with urgency.

"This... this is real! There's something out there, something dangerous!" she exclaimed, her voice rising with each word.

Lizzy's optics voided in shock as she caught sight of the cap, her hand flying to her mouth in horror. The teacher, however, remained unmoved, his skepticism evident in the furrow of his digital brow.

"Uzi, this is not the time for your wild stories. We're all just trying to go home," he admonished, his tone tinged with impatience.

Before Uzi could protest further, a deafening crash echoed through the hallway, causing everyone to freeze in place. With a sickening lurch, the Xenomorph descended from the air ducts, its monstrous form casting a shadow over the stunned onlookers.

In an instant, the teacher was seized by the creature's talons, his cries of terror drowned out by the chaos unfolding around them. Lizzy stood frozen in shock, her optics hollow with horror as she watched her father vanish into the darkness above.

All that remained in the wake of the Xenomorph's attack was a trail of oil trickling down from the vents, a grim reminder of the horror that had just unfolded before their optics.

The classroom erupted into stunned silence, broken only by the anguished cry of Sam, who could only manage to utter a single word amidst the chaos.


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