Chapter 29

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The dropship's engines whined down as it settled into the docking bay of the UAS O'Bannon, the metallic clang of the landing gear echoing in the cavernous space. The bay door hesitated for a moment before finally sealing shut with a reassuring thud.

Inside the dropship, Palms groggily stirred in the med bay, his eyes blinking open as he tried to shake off the remnants of his exhaustion. Fischer's voice crackled over the radio, her concern evident as she addressed the docking issue.

"Palms, the bay door took a sec to close."

"Yeah, it does that sometimes."

"You okay back there?"

Before Palms could muster a response, the hatch sealed shut, locking the ship in place. With a tired sigh, Palms slumped back onto the medical bed, the weight of their recent ordeal pressing heavily upon him as he succumbed to unconsciousness once more.

Fischer stepped out of the dropship, her eyes scanning the bay as she joined N, V, and Uzi. The group stood in formation, their postures straight and their expressions composed as they awaited the arrival of Ms. Yutani.

The sound of approaching footsteps signaled Ms. Yutani's arrival, her presence commanding as she entered the bay, her eyes sharp and assessing as they settled on the group.

"Looks like you found some drones. I recognize these disassembler models. N, V. The worker I've never seen before," she greeted, her voice measured as she took in their appearance. "Anyway, I trust your journey was... eventful?"

N nodded, his voice steady as he recounted their harrowing ordeal on Copper-9, detailing their narrow escape and the tragic loss of their comrades.

"It was a nightmare, but we made it out," N concluded, his tone somber as he glanced at his companions, their shared experiences evident in their weary expressions.

Ms. Yutani listened intently, her face betraying no emotion as she processed the information. After a moment of silence, she spoke, her voice calm but firm.

"I'd like to speak with the drones personally. There may be insights to be gleaned from your experiences."

Fischer nodded, her eyes meeting N's briefly before she turned to address the group. "I'll take care of Palms. N, V, Uzi, accompany Ms. Yutani to the briefing room."

As Fischer moved towards the larger medical ward to fetch a stretcher for Palms, N, V, and Uzi fell into step behind Ms. Yutani, their processors filled with uncertainty and curiosity about what awaited them.

As they reached the briefing room, the doors slid open, revealing a space filled with advanced technology and a large display screen at the head of the table. Ms. Yutani gestured for them to take a seat as she moved to activate the screen, her demeanor businesslike as she prepared to delve into the details of their extraordinary escape.

The room fell silent, the air thick with anticipation as N, V, and Uzi settled into their chairs, their eyes locked on the screen as Ms. Yutani began to speak, her voice resonating with authority as she initiated the debriefing.

"So I take it you probably have a few questions?"

* * *

Fischer rolled the stretcher into the dropship's med bay, her eyes immediately falling on Palms, who lay motionless on the medical bed. Approaching cautiously, she reached out to check his pulse, relief washing over her as she confirmed he was still alive, albeit deeply unconscious.

"Poor guy can't catch a break," Fischer muttered, her concern evident as she tried to rouse Palms from his slumber. "Come on, Palms. Time to wake up."

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