Chapter 16

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The tension in the bunker was palpable as V and N exchanged words, each harboring their own suspicions and secrets.

"So, what do you know about this thing that killed those kids?" V's voice was tinged with a mix of curiosity and apprehension as she probed N for information.

N's expression darkened as he recounted Ronathon's description of the creature, his mind replaying the chilling details with unsettling clarity. "It had wings, a tail with a mouth on it, and no eyes," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Are you sure it had wings and a tail with a mouth on it?" V asked, her voice tinged with unease. That sounded... familiar.

N nodded grimly, his expression solemn. "Yeah, that's what Ronathon said. Said it was some kind of dragon."

V's mind raced with possibilities, her thoughts clouded by fear and uncertainty. She knew more than she was letting on, but revealing the truth was a risk she wasn't willing to take.

"Look, N, I know you want to find your friend, but maybe it's best if we just leave," V suggested, her voice laced with urgency. "Whatever's out there, it's dangerous. We can't afford to fuck around and find out with this one."

N frowned, his suspicions growing with each passing moment. "Why are you suddenly so insistent on leaving? What about Lizzy? Is there something you aren't you telling me, V?" he demanded, his tone tinged with frustration.

V hesitated, her gaze flickering away for a brief moment before she met N's optics once more. "I... I can't explain everything right now, N. Just trust me when I say it's not safe here," she insisted, her voice pleading.

But N wasn't satisfied with her evasive answer, his determination to uncover the truth driving him forward. "I need to find Uzi. She's in danger, and I'm not leaving without her," he declared, his resolve unwavering despite the uncertainty looming over them.

Contrary to popular belief, N was not an idiot. He could also be rather stubborn at times. While those were usually things she found endearing, V was getting annoyed at how hard those traits were biting her in the ass right now.

With a heavy sigh, V relented, knowing she couldn't dissuade N from his mission. "Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you," she muttered, her expression grave as they prepared to venture deeper into the colony, their every move spectated by the horrors lurking in the shadows.

* * *

As the red emergency lights bathed the hallway in an ominous glow, Uzi's mind raced with the urgency of their situation. With the bunker on lockdown, their options were dwindling by the second, but Uzi refused to let panic consume her.

Drawing upon her father's pragmatic approach to crisis management, Uzi realized that their best chance at survival lay in reaching the evacuation spot. If her dad was still in the bunker, that's where he'd likely be, and sealing the door would provide temporary sanctuary from the lurking threat.

"Alright, listen up, you bunch of morons," Uzi barked, her voice commanding attention as she laid out her plan. "We're making a run for the evacuation spot. If we can seal ourselves in there, we might just have a shot at staying alive until help arrives."

Lizzy whimpered in fear, her trembling form a stark contrast to Uzi's steely resolve. Sam and Braiden exchanged wary glances, their expressions a mixture of uncertainty and apprehension.

"What if the thing finds us before we get there?" Emily piped up, her voice quivering with fear as she clutched her horror cliches book tightly to her chest.

Uzi's optics flashed with determination as she met Emily's gaze. "Then we fight. We stick together and we don't let that thing take any of us down without a fight," she declared, her words laced with a fierce determination that brooked no argument.

With a collective nod of understanding, the group steeled themselves for the perilous journey ahead. Except for one.

Lizzy's trembling form served as a stark reminder of the horrors they had all endured, her haunted gaze fixed on some distant, unseen specter. Uzi approached her, a mixture of frustration and concern evident in her metallic features as she crouched down beside her trembling classmate.

"Lizzy, come on, we need to move," Uzi urged, her voice tinged with urgency as she gently reached out to shake Lizzy from her stupor.

But Lizzy remained rooted to the spot, her voice barely a whisper as she spoke. "I'm sorry, Uzi... for everything. For... for making jokes about your mom..."

Uzi's optics flickered with a mixture of surprise and indignation at Lizzy's unexpected confession. "You never made jokes about my mom," she replied, her tone guarded as she searched Lizzy's optics for any sign of sincerity.

Lizzy's gaze dropped to the floor, shame coloring her features as she spoke. "We did... just not to your face," she admitted, her words heavy with remorse.

For a moment, Uzi's circuits hummed with anger, the sting of the revelation cutting deep. But as she looked into Lizzy's tear-streaked visor, a flicker of empathy softened her resolve, and she sighed, pushing aside her own hurt for the sake of their survival.

"Fine. Just... get up, Lizzy. We don't have time for this," Uzi relented, her voice weary as she helped Lizzy to her feet. Though the wounds of their past grievances still lingered, Uzi knew that their survival depended on setting aside their differences and facing the dangers ahead as a united front.

She could do that, right?

* * *

As the emergency lights flickered to life, casting an ominous red glow over the desolate corridors of the school, Khan's concern deepened. He scanned the dimly lit hallway, his virtual brow furrowed with suspicion as he pondered the source of the sudden activation.

"Who the hell turned on the emergency lights?" Khan muttered, his tone tinged with frustration as he glanced around the group for answers.

N's suggestion that the "Dragon" was responsible only served to fuel Khan's irritation, prompting a sharp retort from the grizzled leader. "Don't be ridiculous, N. An animal can't be smart enough to do that," he snapped, his skepticism evident in his tone as he dismissed N's theory.

Before N could respond, a strange sensation washed over him and V, a voice whispering in their CPUs with an otherworldly intensity. They exchanged bewildered glances, their shared confusion mirrored in their expressions as they struggled to make sense of the inexplicable phenomenon.

"Holy biscuits, what was that?" N muttered, his voice barely above a whisper as he shook off the disorienting sensation.

V's optics hollowed with alarm as she realized the implications of their shared experience. "That voice... it's the one from the shuttle," she murmured, her voice trembling with unease as she glanced around the group.

Their conversation was abruptly cut short as a deafening crash echoed through the air ducts above them, followed by the sickening sound of metal and synthetic entrails being torn asunder. Khan and the others turned in horror to see Ronathon disappearing into the darkness, dragged away by an unseen force before they could react.

Panic gripped the group as they realized their comrade had been taken, their shouts drowned out by the cacophony of chaos unfolding around them. By the time they gathered their wits and prepared to mount a rescue, it was too late.

In the darkness of the air ducts, Ronathon's screams were silenced by the merciless jaws of the Xenomorph, his fate sealed by the relentless cruelty of the creature lurking in the shadows.

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