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jack's pov

the next day i wait for kehlani to walk into my office. i realize that she's two hours late. i'm not happy about that, but i don't feel like putting her through my shit today. i wait expectantly as she enters.

"you sure handpick employees well." she sarcastically tells me right when she walks in. "teach your fucking workers to whisper better." she curses and my eyebrows raise.


"who was talking about you?" my eyes narrow.

"some girls on the first floor." she shrugs, sitting down.

okay, after she's gone through that, i don't really feel like confessing and making her day much more worse. truth is, i haven't fired alexa and i can't- yet. she's new and i'm sure she has potential.

"i'll deal with them." i mumble while annoyingly clicking my pen.

"don't worry." kehlani tells me which confuses me so much. "i can deal with it."

"but you said- never mind." i shake my head.

i'll leave it alone because i don't want to have to deal with firing them and then going through some more job applications. as of now, we're full, but i did interview kehlani's friend yesterday and i gave him the job.

if it makes her feel less sad here, then i'll hire him. plus, i'm not worried about both of them. he doesn't look like someone she'd go for. my phone rings and kehlani looks at it as do i.

"yes?" i answer.

"jack johnson is here for his first day, sir."

"send him up." is the only thing i say before hanging up.

"geez." kehlani laughs, making me smile a little. "you should be a little more polite. they do work for you."

"i only choose who i want to be nice to." i tell her. "and frankly, i choose you."

she feigns surprise with a gasp, "really?"

i nod my head and there's a quick knock on the door. how is he up here already? kehlani stands, opening the door. this is the reaction i was waiting for. her eyes widen and she squeals, hugging the boy around his neck.

"j! you got the job!" she screams.

he hugs her back tightly. okay. maybe not the reaction i was expecting from myself. i couldn't be jealous of those two. they're best friends. nothing more.

"i just met the nicest lady downstairs." he beams.

"really? who?" kehlani asks, still smiling because she now works with her best friend.

"she told me her name was alexa." he shrugs his shoulders and my face drops.

not again. not another fight. please.

kehlani's pov

it feels like the wind was straight knocked out of me. what was that? he said alexa? the possibilities of two alexa's working here is a strong zero. there couldn't be two alexa's on the first floor.

"jack." i calmly say. "you told me that you were going to fire her."

"you're right." he nods in response. "i did tell you that and it's going to take some time. i can't do it right away, kehlani."

i roll my eyes at him. i can't be mad. i just need to give him some time. plus, i might seem over dramatic and crazy if i argue with him about it.

"so, you're in finance here right?" i ask, tilting my head at johnson.

"yes, second floor. i'm no longer far from you." he smiles and then turns his attention to jack. "should i get started?"

"that would be a good idea." jack purses his lips. "you know the area you're supposed to be in. have a great first day." he bluntly says.

what i wanted to hear from his lips were 'let kehlani show you the way', but alas, he didn't. we exchange another hug before johnson disappears out of the room. jack shoots me an unexpected glare, but i should be the one glaring at him.

"come here." jack says to me, motioning and gesturing me to come forward.

not knowing what i did wrong, i just do as i'm told. he tells me to look at his screen and it's just blank.

"what am i supposed to be looking at?" i ask.

his large hand grabs my arm, pulling me down onto his lap and my eyes widen. whoa, the sudden change of action.

"uh, mr. gilinsky..."

"calm down, you're just sitting on my lap and i just want to talk. my tongue was literally on you a week ago and you were less nervous then." he points out, making me blush.

"yes, but we're in your office! with this giant window!" i whisper-yell.

"i will fire alexa by the end of the week, okay?" he looks at me and because i'm on his lap, i'm taller than him. "i don't want you to worry about that."

"alright." i bite the inside of my cheek. "cross my fingers and hope that i don't have anymore encounters with her."

i look down at my fingers and i can literally feel his eyes burning into me. my mind flashes and i abruptly hop up from on top of his lap.

"let me go get your coffee!" i say and he grins at me.

"fine, leave me." he pouts and i roll my eyes with a smile. "we almost kissed yesterday-"

"but then i went to get your coffee and returned to you kissing someone else."

"right..." he drags out. "besides that, i was wondering when the next time we actually kiss. when will that be?"

"oh, we can kiss now." i tell him and he sits up straighter, smiling.

his large hands grab my hips, pulling me closer to him. with a smile on my face, i begin to lean in. my heart pounds against my chest and i actually want to follow through with kissing him, but i can't. before our lips can touch, i pull away.

"i need to get my boss's coffee. if i don't, he might fire me." i tease and he narrows his eyes at me.

"beware. i'm getting you back when you return." he smirks at me and i shake my head.

i really did want to kiss him.

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double update :) thanks for 8k followers
next chapter might get a lil steamy, just telling you guys now so half of you aren't like "gross" or "whoa that was unexpected"

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