twenty two

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pretend that's blake now ok ok

i sit in this office, agonized. there's only about twenty minutes left until i can leave for lunch. jack taps his pen against his desk we haven't talked since alexa left the office. i still can't believe that he believed her words over mine.

i'd rather be stuck inside of the elevator again instead of being here with him. he's so boring and i swear, all he's been doing is stare at a blank document on his screen.

"mr. gilinsk-"

"so now i'm mr. gilinsky to you again?" he cuts me off, suddenly snapping at me.

my eyebrows raise, "i'm sorry." i mutter. "but i'm bored-"

he intrudes my sentence once again, "deal with it, kehlani. work isn't always going to be fun and entertaining."

"geez, what's up your ass?" my eyes narrow at him while i question him.

"nothing. i just don't like you arguing with other people in the building like you run the place. news flash, kehlani,  you don't."

i hold my arms up in defense, "okay, you need to stop this."

"stop what?" jack tilts his head to the side.

"you need to stop being rude, and then nice, and then rude again, and then nice again. you have a fucking problem. i tried to resign from this job and get as far away from you as possible, but you practically begged me to stay." i emphasize.

he opens his mouth to retort and speak again, but this time, i'm the one to cut him off.

"you need to at least pick one personality. either stay mean, or stay nice. i can't keep up with you flip flopping." i sigh.

he questionably raises an eyebrow as if he's taking in and absorbing my words. now, it's my turn to be confused. i just went off on my boss and now i won't be surprised if he fires me.

"and i still am baffled by the fact you believe alexa and not me." i add.

he nods his head in understanding, "are you done?"

if anything, i did not expect him to be so calm after going off on him. he should be angry, since he always is. he's going to develop so many wrinkles by the age of 23 from frowning so much. i won't be phased because i know it's coming.

"now i am."

"alright, my turn. i don't like how you can be nice and then run your mouth and say whatever the hell you want. that's not how it works around here, sweetheart. you can't disrespect the person who signs your checks."

"you're the one who triggers the disrespect!" i flail my arms to dramatize my words. "mr. i want kehlani. no i want alexa! no i want kehlani. i should hookup with alexa right after kehlani."

"if i weren't so wounded and offended by your words, i would say that you're a smart girl."

i narrow my eyes and shake my head, "do you think you can just play and get with everyone because you're good looking and rich?"

"sure, let's just go with that."

"you wouldn't be able to convince a pig."

"i convinced you, didn't i? i mean, we did have sex and all already." he smirks at me like the asshole he is.

he is so ignorant and arrogant. there aren't enough words in the english language to describe him. i stand up from my chair and his eyes don't leave me as i grab my bag. he just referred me to a pig.

"where do you think-"

"i'm taking my lunch break, mr. gilinsky." i mutter, beginning to head out of the room. "don't bother to call or text. i'll come back when i want to."

i go down the stairs, which i decided i'm going to take from now until alexa is fired and out of this building, and go toward blake's area. so glad that i didn't have to go through alexa just now because jack let her get the rest of the day off.

i might as well convince blake to take an early lunch break. i spot him instantly and make my way toward him. i put both of my hands on his shoulders and he looks up at me smiling.

"hey, you're off early." he says.

"yeah..." i drag out, sighing. "he was giving me a hard time. i needed to leave."

"we can go to lunch after i'm done typing this stuff." blake tells me, resuming his typing on the keyboard. "if i don't, jack will literally have my head on a stick, planted in front of the company building."

"don't rush. i'll wait." i respond, beginning to massage his shoulders.

i look around his area and realize that it's not that crowded. just a few people here and there and they each have a healthy amount of space to themselves. blake does some final clicking around and then finishes off.

"i'm done." he says, exiting out of the tab and standing up. "where are we going to again?"

"you're taking me to one of your favorite places." i remind him.

"oh, right. i forgot." he chuckles, shaking his head.

"been a long day, huh?" i ask.

"you have no idea." he breathes, grabbing his phone from his desk.

we both walk out of the little pod and his hand is on the small of my back. i look around, being sure that jack isn't spying on me or anything because he's always on my back. i wouldn't be surprised if he were watching me on the security camera.

"are you doing anything this weekend?" i blurt to blake.

am i really going to be the one asking him out?

"yes, sadly." he pouts, but then smiles. "my mom and dad are visiting for the weekend."

"ooo, fun." i smile too as we both walk to the stairs. "where from?"

"new york. i'm not sure if my brother and his wife are coming too. i can't jam everyone into my apartment. i'd have to be the one sleeping on the couch in my own home." he says and i laugh.

"i would let you sleep in my apartment, but looks like you're going to have to hash things out with your family." i jokingly whistle through my teeth.

"come over this weekend. i'll introduce you to them." he offers.

"is that appropriate?" i joke. "we haven't even properly introduced each other to our friends."

he grins me at as we exit the building, "i've met johnson. seems like he's your closest and best friend."

at this point, i can't tell if he's joking or not. i mean, i would love to meet his family, but i just decided that i was going to give him a chance and see where this all goes. i'm not prepared to meet them yet. we need to walk before we run.

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