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Dib never came back to class,When class was over Zim immediately went to find Dib so her could strangle him for being with that Gidget girl for even a second.

Zim was walking around then spotted her and DIb sitting on a bench talking.

Dib's POV

After I showed her around our entire school she said wanted to sit down,Since their was only 10 Minutes until their class got out he didn't see the point to going to class.

So we took a seat to the new bench that was added it was outside of the cafeteria.

We sat down in complete silent until she broke the ice.

"So do you know that weird green kid"She asked curiously

I couldn't help but laugh,"yeah he's my boyfriend"I answered

She gave me a surprise look,"Oh he he sick?"She asked again turning he body towers Dib.

" condition"Dib answer afraid that she might smart enough to realize that's a bunch of bull crap.

She slightly giggled,"Yeah I know all about skin condition"She said then show Dib her arms so he knows that she has grey skin.

Dib smiled thanking God she believed him so quickly.

"So who was is like at your old school"Dib asked sweetly

"Well I went to the most exclusive school my father could find,but I didn't "exactly fit in" so he homeschool me I got bored so here I am"Gidget explained to Dib.

"Wow hard to believe you didn't fit in"Dib said surprised.

"Really?"Gidget asked shocked that he said that.

"Yeah your vary nice and really pretty"Dib complemented.

Gidget then looked at him as if he had 3 eyes.

"Gidget"Dib said trying to get her attention.

"Sorry just I'm not use to getting compliments from anyone, especially boys"Gidget explained.

"Really"Dib asked genuinely shocked.

" Girls didn't like me because they thought I thought I was better them, and boys thought i was too intimidating"Gidget explained.

"Really"He said shock.

"Yeah guys usually ignore me or cut me off in the middle of my sentence this is the longest conversation I ever had with a boy"Gidget admitted happily.

"Wow guys where you come from sound like jerks"Dib said pretty upset.

"Not all of them my father was raised there the complete gentleman"Gidget said happily.

"He is..."and before Gidget could finish sentence then came and pushed her off the bench and into the bushes.

Normal POV

"Zim what the heck?"Dib shouted to him angrily.

"What was that fo"-Gidget

" quiet earth girl"Zim interrupted her.

"My point exactly"Gidget muttered to herself. Start to get out of the bushes.

"What were you two talking about"Zim asked in a jealous tone.

"I just asked her about her old school"Dib answer in a casual tone.

" liar"Zim shouted pointing at Dib,Dib just rolled his eyes and help Gidget up.

"It really was innocent"Gidget said getting out of the bushes.

"Anyway I have to go to math class"Gidget said rubbing her now aching head.

"Oh that where me and Zim has to go"Dib said grabbing Zim's wrist.

"Perfect, I'll follow you"Gidget said happily walking next to Zim with a cute smile,Which sicken Zim.

For some reason Zim couldn't help but feel like that smile meant she was planning something evil,Like she was about to do something.

"By the way Zim what the name of your skin condition"Gidget asked.

"What?"Zim asked in horror.

"Yeah all skin condition have a name,so what is yours called"Gidget asked with a some-what evil grin.

Zim looked at Dib,Dib just shrug his arms.

"What's the name of yours"Zim asked trying to avoid her question.

Gidget smiled,"I have grey Skin Syndrome"Gidget answer proudly.

"Oh I have green skin syndrome"Zim quickly answer.

"I never heard of that"Gidget asked curiously.

"Well it's vary rare and the mighty get only they rare thing in the wold"Zim stated,Which made Dib rubbed his eyes.

" you're very optimistic for someone with a rare skin disease most people complained about it constantly"Gidget said impressed.

Zim looked at her curiously,they come to their math class and walked in.

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