Needle and A Thread

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•(A/N):Agent 37 *wink wonk*
•(Y/N) : Your Name
(E/C) : Eye Color


The window slid open and a loud thump startled you.
You quickly knew it was Dick-as he usually gets in from the window after patrols.
And the loud thump usually means that he's hurt badly,that he lacks energy to slide in swiftly.

You ran to the window and your heart ached once you laid your eyes on his figure.
He was hurt badly.Bruises all over his face,not to mention a large gash on his stomach that ripped his suit open.
You grabbed the first aid kit on the table near you.You always put it there and for some reason,it makes you a bit calmer.

You knelt beside him with the tools you need to fix him up.
And for the first time since a few minutes he got into your shared  apartment and laid on the floor,he opened his lids.
His blue eyes stayed at you for a while and you knew he felt safe once more.

"What happened?"you asked,trying to control the shakiness of your voice and tried not to drop a single tear.
You've fix him up billion times before.You learnt the skill from Alfred and since then you've become his 'assistant'.You've treated almost all of their wounds-from Bruce to Damian.

You noticed how the wound was the worst he ever had.The thought of how this won't be the last time suddenly made you realize something.
"Joker's goons managed to catch me off guard."he answered quietly."It was 1 vs 10.Quite a big number."he mumbled.

The two of you stayed in silence as you fixed him up.
After some time,you managed to finish your job.
You went to the bathroom to clean the whole tools you used,walking off from him still in an uneasy silence.

You knew this is the risk.
Dating him will always has its risks.
You have to be ready to loose him.You have to always be ready to take care of his wounds and you have to be ready to protect yourself from his enemies.
You've been in this relationship for almost 2 years now.
You two have started to talk about marriage and kids.But the thought of loosing him in the midst of marriage and kids will forever haunt you.

At this moment,it really hit you hard.Horrific scenarios flashed through your mind and you can't help to fall into a deep thought.

His voice broke you out of your train of thought.
You looked past your shoulder and gave him a small smile before drying your hand with a cloth nearby."Yeah?"
"What's wrong?"his blue eyes clouded with concern and you felt an aching sensation in your heart.
I want you to quit and have a normal job,Dick.
"Just a rough day,that's all."you shook his concern off."Get some rest babe.You need it."

You almost walked past him when his arms were around you as he turned you around.You were face to face with your boyfriend.
"It's about the wound isn't it?"
You fell silent for a while before blurting your thoughts out,"You have to quit."
His brows furrowed while his lips curled down into a frown and you can almost feel the familiarity of the scene."We've talked about this before."

"Dick,please."your (E/C) eyes widened in concern."You can't keep doing this to yourself."
"(Y/N),it's just a bad night!Can you just stop demanding me to quit?"his voice rose a bit and your sight went blurry with tears.
"I can't."you choked out."I can't,okay?I can't bear the thought of loosing you."you shook your head desperately."If you want me in your future,please quit the job."

You knew he won't do it.You dreaded every second that went by,waiting for him to answer.Yet somehow you wanted to hear it.
Do you love me more than your job as a hero?

You saw him shaking his head.He hung it low,his eyes not daring to meet yours.
"I never ask you to change your life for me."he finally looked up to see you."Why would you ask me to do this?"
"Because I care about you,dammit!"you let out a sob."I can't keep fearing whether you will come home alive or not!I can't keep doing this!"you yelled out and you saw how his eyes flashed in anger.
But you can't contain this anymore.You need to let out everything that's been holding you down with fear,haunting you every time he kissed you before he goes out of that window.

"Then leave!"he answered harshly."I don't ask you to change anything for me,(Y/N).But you keep pestering me to quit the life I've known and loved for years!I can't be with someone who wants to change me into someone I'm not."he continued.

The room was silent for a few minutes and your tears ran down freely as you looked at him.
He was the one who looked away first and you felt heartbroken,yet somehow you felt peace,a feeling that sadly you haven't felt in months.

"Good to know that you love your job more than me."you nodded.You wiped your tears off,then walked off to your shared bedroom.
Your hands quickly threw your things into your luggage.
As soon as you were done,you walked to the door and you saw him still in his position you left him earlier.

You gulped down the lump in your throat,taking one last glance at the man who's now your ex-boyfriend.You opened the door and leaving your home for almost two years behind.

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