Impromptu Fright

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(Y/N) has never liked horror movies. It's a fact well-known among her friends, and so when they decided to watch the newest movie of that genre one day, they had asked for her permission to go watch without her.
She didn't mind of course. Except something about this movie's synopsis somehow intrigued her, though she was very hesitant to join the others and watch it. But exactly a week after her friends had gone to the movies, (Y/N) decided to go for a little experiment. She's planning to watch the movie alone. Well, as alone you can get when you're in a movie theatre at least.

(Y/N) walked into the theatre with a new-found confidence that night, took one last glance at the movie poster before she got into the movie studio with her caramel popcorn. She settled into one of the seats with a small smile, feeling very proud as the light slowly dimmed until the room was pitch dark. The seats next to her were full, and (Y/N) felt nothing could go wrong as she was surrounded by the crowd. The first few minutes were alright - she slowly understood the basic information of the storyline. Around 40 minutes after the movie started, (Y/N) started to flinch whenever the jump-scares caught her off-guard. One hour in, and the (H/C) lady had her hands covering her ears desperately as she squeezed her lids shut.

It was beginning to feel too much for her tiny courage to handle. She had watched a movie about a terrorizing clown before, and yet, she didn't have a problem with that. Well, that was the only time she had ever watched a horror movie before actually. 

"This is bad," she whispered to herself once she realized sitting in the middle of the crowded room was beginning to feel torturous. She had come here to have some fun, but this was no fun at all. Not at all. 
One final glance at the screen to make sure what decision she would take, and unfortunately, it was exactly the time when the damn ghost jumped out of its hiding to pull the poor heroine's leg. (Y/N) screamed at the top of her lungs, and was determined to get the heck out of this studio before she'd lost any chance to have some sleep for the next few weeks. 

But no one got up to head to the door, though. Not even someone left to go to the toilet. And she was too scared to get past the huge screen alone while being accompanied with the deafening screams of the terrorized main characters.

She lingered at her seat for a few minutes longer than she intended, and once she saw a man hastily jogged to the exit, she followed suit without any hesitation.  (Y/N) got out of the door just in time as the man did. Saying she was relieved once the clamor of the theatre embraced her was probably an understatement. It was like breaking free from a horrible nightmare. 

"You okay there? You seem a bit pale."

She looked to her left, noticing the man's piercing blue eyes. He offered a concerned smile, and (Y/N) managed a small laugh in hope to calm herself down.

"Oh, I'm fine. The movie was too scary for me, that's all."

"I thought I was the only one who didn't like it so much," he chuckled, "We've chosen the wrong movie, huh?"

"Sadly, yes," (Y/N) finally noticed how tall he was once she regained her composure. They stood before each other, lingering around the door to the studio, "I shouldn't have picked a horror movie for a night out."

"You're here alone?" he looked around for a while, searching for someone that probably went after her before his stare resided on her again.

"Uh, yeah," she sheepishly nodded, "I like going here alone sometimes for... you know, some alone time with myself. But tonight didn't go well at all."

"Ah," he nods, "Well, my night is already ruined thanks to that damn ghost. But there's still some time if you want to watch a new movie. So why don't we go together?"

(Y/N) rose a brow at how bold he was being, and he seemed to realize it. Because the guy then offered a smile, "I'm Richard, by the way - My friends usually go with Dick. I should've introduced myself sooner, sorry."

"I'm (Y/N)," the girl smiles, "So what should we watch?"

His grin got a little wider upon hearing the question. That evening, they ended up watching a comedy movie before going to a pizza place downtown. Little did (Y/N) know, her 'me-time' ended up to be the first to many on-coming dates with the guy who then became her fiancée.

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