Blush and Kisses

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(H/C)-Hair Color
(F/C)-Favorite Color
(E/C)-Eye Color

He bit his lower lip in anticipation as he hid behind the giant white pilars.

(Y/N) laughed,walking to his way with her friends.It seems that she always manages to look perfect and has her shit together.

He furrowed his brows,his blue eyes following her figure.
How can she do that?
He can never get it.

No,(Y/N) is not his friend.Or that's what he likes to think.She was his 'target'.
She has always been nice to him-helping him with projects and homeworks.

But somehow when Wally started to tease him about her,there grows denial.

But no,he's not stalking her.
He was just hiding from her.Lord knows what his reason to do so though.
Which leads him to now..

"Oh come on.You can run for prom queen!"one of her friends said.
"No.I don't wanna"she dodged."I don't think I'll even attend prom."
Her friends gave her a look,making (Y/N) rolled her eyes.

By now,they've walked passed the pillar he hid behind.
She even looks good from behind.
What the hell?

"Told ya she's perfect."
He jumped,turning around to see his bestfriend.
Wally wore a smirk,looking at him.

"Dammit.You scared me!"
"Sorry."the guy cackled silently."Seriously dude.You gotta stop creeping on her."Wally frowned at him.

"I am not creeping on her!"he frowned,turning around again to look at her.
She was already gone.

"It's creepy!"Wally protested."You can just walk pass her and say hi."

Dick rolled his eyes but still not answering his bestfriend.
"What's with you and hiding from her though?"Wally folded his arms in front of his chest,raising a brow at Dick.

"Let's just forget it,shall we?"
They both came out from their hiding then walked side by side.

"I mean come on!I get that you like her-most of the guys do.But hiding here and spying the girl is just a whole different matter."
"I am not spying on her."he insisted."And I don't like her."Dick rose a brow of his at Wally who shrugged.

"Everyone seems to think so."
"Well I'm here to prove that wrong."

"Sure.Good luck with that."Wally chewed his gum.
Dick kept quiet.They walked into the crowded cafeteria and there he spot her again.

After a long day filled with quizzes,teases and of course lessons,school was finally over.

Dick sat on his usual spot,the middle branch of the big tree at the area behind the school building.

The air was cool and the sun was beaming down at him.
Just the perfect weather for him to relax.

Dick always sits on the branch after school,a little habit of his whether when he was pissed,happy or even just doing homeworks.

"Good view up there?"
The voice startled him and he almost lost his balance.
He looked down only to see the (H/C) girl smiled as she sat down below him.

Her smile was gentle while the breeze blew her hair gently.
She had a book on her lap and her (F/C) bag sat beside her on the grass.

"Uh..Y-yeah actually.Good air too."
Good air?!Smooth Dick
"I-I mean..good weather.Yeah."he scratched the back of his neck bashfully.

(Y/N) giggled at the sight.
"It's a shame I'm wearing a skirt."she said after a few seconds."I'd like to see the view."

"Well,you can come here anytime you want."he suggested."It's a good spot to read a book too."

She looked up again,smiling.
"I'm not an expert at climbing."she shrugged."Plus,it's better to share the view with someone else."

"Should I offer you my company?"he smiled down at her.
"I'd like that."(Y/N) slipped a strand of hair behind her ear.

"So..Are you going to prom?"he asked once they fell into a peaceful silence.
"I don't know.Skipping it sounds more fun."

She looked at him."Are you?"
He gave her a shrug."I don't know either."
"You're not going with Barbs?"

He looked at her questioningly.
"Uh no.It'll be weird,don't you think?"

Dick swore he saw a twinkle in her (E/C) eyes when he said it.But he quickly shoved the thought that came after the realization to the back of his mind.

"Well..What's wrong with two bestfriends going to prom together?"(Y/N) rose a brow.

"I don't mix friendships with relationships."he dodged."How about you?Has Steve ask you yet?"
"He did."

Steven Alexander was whom she'd often be matched with.People say they'd look good together and there went rumours about them.

"Oh."he felt his heart sunk into the bottom of his stomach.
"I declined though."
And there she was picking his hope up again.

"Why?Aren't you guys dating?"
"No."she laughed."I already have someone else in mind."

Then they spent the rest of the afternoon with him offering possible candidates and her dodging all of them.

After 8 missed calls from Bruce and 12 from Wally,he finally decided to climb down.
"I've mentioned half of the school..I think."he stated as they walked side by side to the parking lot.

"You have?"she wore an amused smile as they walked beside each other."What's the conclusion then?"

"Maybe he's from another school?"he suggested once more."Or another planet?"he joked.
"I don't have any alien friends,apparently."(Y/N) shook her head,chuckling lightly.

They already stood in front of her car door.But he was too curious about the mystery guy she was crushing on to think about anything else.

"No clues?"Dick asked,attempting to get any idea of the guy before she can go.
She already opened her car door by now,though her eyes still stayed on him.
"Black hair and blue eyes."(Y/N) stated before kissing him on the cheek then winked.
"See ya tomorrow."

She got into her car then left.
But we all know what happened to Dick.
He was on cloud nine,reddened cheeks with blue eyes locked at her car until it disappeared from his sight.

And let's just say he was too happy that he had a hard time trying to sleep later that night.

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