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You swung on the rope, letting it go before landing perfectly on the pavement.
Goosebumps still tickled your skin as you ran behind her, trying to keep up with how fast she ran.

The black-haired lady a few meters away from you glanced past her shoulder once in a while.
Blood splashed over her right cheek, but you've known well that she loves the 'souvenir'.

Helping your mistress has been a daunting journey for you.
You felt the need to help the person who has taken care of you, the only 'mother' figure in your life.

So you agreed to help her.
And to be honest, you were too shocked to know what she did for a living. She didn't let you know what she exactly does for a living until the minute you said yes.

How you should've known before agreeing to help her. But it's not like you have a choice anyway.

"Focus on the job, (Y/N)." her warning broke your train of thoughts and you nodded obediently.
She crouched down, her green eyes followed the target. A 45 years old man, walking down the dark alley with a suitcase.

How they never learn to not be so obvious when carrying around huge cash is way beyond you.

"Ah, good money." she smirked as she got out her dagger which was already dipped into her 'favorite green goo'.
"Still not into guns?" you asked her, kneeling beside the enthusiastic woman. You grabbed yours from your back pocket.

"Nu-uh, sweetie. You know that's your part." she shook her head. Her coal-black hair fell straight onto her back. "Besides, why would you hunt in the first place if you don't get to enjoy the thrill?"

Her eyes were filled with lust of blood, and you offered the smallest hint of a smile. "Okay."

You got into position then followed her lead. The woman knocked off the man successfully with a kick before the two of you stared at the man as he was sprawled onto the ground in fear.

"Let's make it quick."
"And clean."you added quietly, sighing before following her.

"Hey mister yoyo-man!" she leaned into his face, his black orbs widening as he shivered in fear. You couldn't help but look away, trying to ignore the growing guilt in your chest.

"Awe, you remember me!" a wide grin cracked onto her face while you resorted to your usual routine.

A routine you knew you'd never get comfortable with- looking around to see if anyone was present. And if there was any unlucky onlooker, it was your job to finish them off.

"So.. You want the hard way or the easy way?"
"Do as you wish, you crazy woman!" he spitted out, and you could sense how she really enjoyed every second she had of threatening him.

"Oh come on! Make it your last words!" she pleaded sweetly, but the dagger she had playing around his throat said otherwise. "Everyone does that."

"Huh." she looked unpleased for a second, before bursting into laughter. "Oh, men like you are all the same. Wanting to have your so-called dignity intact even when you're at the brink of death anyway."

You knew by her expression that it'll happen soon. You had already memorized it all too well.

"You sure?" she asked once again and though the man saw the dagger, he nodded fearfully.
"Alrighty then!" she laughed and you looked away, just in time before the sickening sound ripped the quiet night air.

"Help me out, sweetie."
You glanced back at her and tried to keep a neutral expression. She was busy doing her routine, and it involved her beloved dagger and the bloody corpse.

You looked around the tall buildings for the last time and was about to reluctantly helped her clean when you saw the familiar-looking shadow.

Uh oh

"I'm gonna be back real quick." she just nodded in response. Good thing she's too occupied.

You grabbed your gun before climbing the nearest fire escape only to find the smell of blood still reached your nostrils from this distance.

The night air was cold and the scenery on the ground beneath you didn't help either.
In all honesty, you despised the job.

"What the hell are you doing here?" his blue eyes narrowed as they looked at you and you sighed.
"You know damn well why Nightwing."

A few months later you came across the vigilante. And somehow, a weird kind of friendship has developed between the two of you. He knew how you were stuck in the job, and every time, he always offers his help. The help you couldn't accept.

You glanced back and saw how she was still playing with her 'toy'.
"She's nuts. Let me get her to the asylum and you can get a decent life," he argued once again.

"We've talked about this." you frowned and he ran a hand through his hair.
"I can't keep covering you like this, (Y/N). And the prison isn't where you belong either. Nor the asylum."

"I know." you bit your lower lip. "But you know I don't have a choice."
"With skills like that, I can get you into my team."
"She's too dangerous, D." you argued."She'll kill us all once she's released."
"And you're a badass fighter. We can get rid of her together."

The whistle pierced the air and you knew your time was up.

"Don't do it." you plead, knowing it's the least you could do for not only her but also him. You knew she wouldn't stop until her knife could rip his neck open. And that was the last thing you wanted for Nightwing. "Please."

His blue eyes narrowed, "(Y/N), you don't deserve this."
"I won't be able to live with myself if she gets her hands on you. Please.."

He was reluctant. You could see it in every movement he made, but somehow he managed a defeated nod.

"I'm here if you want out. Just come to me, okay?"

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