I Have A Stalker

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* Destiny's P. O. V *

This morning I woke up to an empty bed. I was kind of getting worried about where he might be. I was going to go looking for him until, I felt my iPod vibrate in my pocket. I grabbed it and noticed that it was a text from Darcy on kik.

"Hey girl!"

"Hey baby mama!"

" What are you doing today?"

"Nothing, why?"

"Do you wanna go to the mall?"


"Ok, see you in 30."

After texting Darcy, I got up and started to get ready. I went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. While I waited for it to heat up, I turned my iPod to pandora. When I hoped in Drunk Love Came on. I hopped and did my hygiene thing and got out.

I walked into our room and started looking through the closet for something to wear. I decided to put on black sweat pants, a black half shirt with a diamond on it, a Bulls snapback and my fire red 3's. As I walking downstairs, when I over heard Drew talking to someone.

"Yeah so we are gonna make this drop tonight." Said an unfamiliar voice. I was going to walk back upstairs until I heard Drew say,

"Destiny come here." As I was walking downstairs I saw three men sitting on the couch. They all just sat there and stared at me. I felt like they were all undressing me with their eyes. Especially the on with the green eyes. He had on a red truck fit shirt, cargo pants and Lebron 12's. I just stood there on the last step.

"Come here." I slowly walked over to him. Once I was in front of him he patted his lap so I could sit on it. I did as instructed and looked down and started playing with my fingers.

"What did I tell you about looking down ma." I didn't answer I just kept playing with my fingers. He lifted my head up and looked me in the eyes.

"What did I tell you about looking down?" He said a little bit louder causing me to jump a little bit.

"I'm too beautiful for all that." I repeated.

"So start acting like it." He said before kissing my lips. I felt extremely uncomfortable, they just sat there and watched.

"Go introduce yourself."

"Hi, my name is Destiny." I said while trying to put on a smile.

"Sup, my name is Chris." The one with the green eyes said while winking at me.

"Hey, I'm Mario but you can call me Rio." Rio had waves and was a carmel complexion. He was was wearing an obey shirt, black skinny jeans and grape 5's.

"I'm Trey but, you can call me T." T was a dread head just like Drew but he was a dark chocolate complexion, almost the color of a Hersey's milk chocolate bar. He was wearing a bulls snap back with his dreads in a pony tail, khaki cargo shorts and a pink dolphin shirt.

"So where you going today?" Drew asked wrapping his arm around my waist.

"I was going to the mall with my friend."

"Be safe and here take this." He handed me the keys to his Range and a stack of money.

"How much is this?" I asked looking at the cash.

"Five thou." He said while shrugging.

"No take this back! It's to much." I said trying to give it back. The guys just sat there and laughed.

"What have I told you before?"He asked while putting the money in my pocket.

"You got me."

"Ok, so let me take care of you."

"Ok." I said while trying to get up. I was about to leave until he grabbed my waist and pulled me back on his lap.

"Where my kiss at?" He asked. I leaned down and pecked his lips.

"Naw ma, where my real kiss at?" I leaned down again to kiss him but, this time he deepened the kiss. He slid his tongue in my mouth and massaged it over mine. I accidentally let out a moan. I felt their eyes still on us but, he didn't seem to care.

"Bye." I said to everyone.

"Bye." T and Rio said. Chris got up and hugged me and whispered,

"Bye sexy." Then winked at me. I don't think Drew saw but if had I, I'm pretty sure he would have said something.

Twenty minutes later, I arrived at the mall and met Darcy at the food court. She basically had on the same thing except her hair was curly and mine is straight. Also she was wearing nerd glasses and a Miami Heat snapback.

"Hey mami!" Darcy said while hugging me.

"Hey!"  As we were walking around the mall I told her about Drew.

"So how long have y'all been dating?" She asked.

"About a month."

"Ooo well have y'all...you know yet?"

"No!" I said, blushing.

"Girl you need to let  him  pop that cherry!" She said, air humping me.

"Oh my gosh stop!" I said, pushing her off me.

"Whatever, where do you wanna go first?"

"Umm, let's go get our hair and nails done."

"Ok." When we arrived at the place it was practically empty so ,we got seated right away. We sat in the chairs until a lady came up to us.

"Hi welcome to hair and nails club, what would you ladies like to get today?" She asked.

"We like to get the full package today." I said.

"Ok, and how would you like your hair?"

"I want to dye my hair blond at the bottom and leave it brown at the top." I said.

"I want the same but, I would like some added extension." Darcy said.

"Ok." After an hour she was done and we looked good!

"Omg you look gorgeous!" Darcy screamed while jumping up and down.

"You do too!"

"Let's post a picture on Instagram."

"Ok." When we took the picture, we instantly got one hundred likes. The caption read: "me and my bhaddie!" Once we walked out of the store she asked where did I want to go next.

"What about Victoria Secrete?" I suggested. We walked in and picked up a couple of bras and boy shorts.

"Here try this on." Darcy  handed me a purple and black corset with a black thong to match.

"Oh no. I can't wear this!" I said trying to hand it back to her.

"Girl try it on. Stop being such a baby." She said while pushing into the changing room. I went in and tried it on. About two minutes later she knocked on the door.

"Are you ready yet."

"Yes." I said shyly.

"Ok, now come out." She opened the door. I slowly walked out covering my body.

"Girl stop, you look cute in it." She said. "You should get it!"

"No it's to revealing."

"Girl your getting it." She said, pushing me into the dressing room. When I came out we payed for everything, even the corset. After that we decided to go home because, we were both pretty tired.

About thirty minutes I rushed upstairs and turned on the shower because, I smelled a little bit. While I was stripping out of my clothes I received a picture message. It was a picture of me in the corset from earlier and there was a message underneath.

"You looked sexy in the outfit you bought for me. I can't wait to take it off!" Love your secrete admire.

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