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~ Earlier Today ~

Since I was gonna be left at home by myself all day I decided to call Darcy.

"Hey girl, I was just thinking about you." Her bubbly voice rang through the phone.

"Awe, what are you doing?"

"Getting ready to call my sister. What about you?"

"Nothing just chilling. What are you doing today?"

"Nothing , why? you have something in mind?"

"Yeah meet me at that Italian place across from the mall."

"Sure, see you then"

I started to get ready but my stomach wasn't feeling to well, I think maybe my period is coming because it's that time of the month. I went to the bathroom and turned the shower on so it was steaming hot. I stayed in there for about fifteen minutes until I felt another sharp pain in my stomach causing me to fall down to my knees.

'Shit!' I got up slowly trying not move to quickly. When I finally got enough strength I turned off the shower and walked into my closet pulled out my white bandeau, black floral print skirt with my Jessica Simpson white sandals. I laid them on the bed and started putting on my lotion until I felt another sharp pain going through my stomach.

'What the hell is wrong with me?' This pain was unbearable, I mean if had cramps before but nothing this serious. I just chose to ignore it and kept putting lotion on my body with cinnamon vanilla perfume . When I was finished I put on all my clothes that I laid out before. I went to my mirror and started putting on make up along with my black and gold necklace, gold rings, gold bracelet and red bow. I decided to leave my hair curly since it was already from taking a shower earlier.

I grabbed my stuff from the night stand and began walking downstairs. I was fine until the smell of Drew's cologne started to fill the room making me want to throw up. I ran to the nearest bathroom and emptied out all of the continents in my stomach. I tried to get up again but that bolt pain shot right back through my stomach.

After about a couple minutes of sitting in with my body crouched up in a corner I got up and took the keys to the Jag he got me for my birthday.

When I finally got to the restaurant I saw Darcy sitting in a booth on her phone. Her hair was curl like mine and she was wearing a blue sundress. I went to the table and sat down next to her.

"Hey stranger." I said hugging her.

"Hey girl, I miss my roommate ! When are you going to ditch Drew and come back?"

"Girl you and I both know I'm not leaving his crazy ass."

"I know." We were looking at the menus until a waiter came by. I must admit he was cute but, I wouldn't do anything because I love Drew. He had smooth caramel skin with green eyes and waves that you could just drown in. He even had that deep southern accent that would make girl weak just by talking to her.

"Hi my name is Robin, I will be your server for today. What can I start you two sexy ladies off with."

"I would like a margarita with salt with a shot of patron." Darcy was practically drooling over him.

"And for you beautiful?"

"Umm I'll just have a sprite and glass of water for my friend. She's looking extra thirsty right now."

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