Chapter 23 - A small moment

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My eyes widened as I realized that I was in the general's chambers. Well, I should perhaps get used to it. I am, after all, going to be staying here from now on. He said so himself.

"I've ordered for you to stay in my quarters henceforth. You won't be going back to that cell. I made sure of it."

Maybe that's why he took me here. But still, it felt a bit weird to be in his real quarters, instead of the temporary one he had at the previous ship where we met. By the way, where is Hux anyway?

I stood and took a look around the room. There was a desk piled with papers just like the one back at the other ship, two large cabinets lined at the wall, there was a door that probably led to the bathroom, and there was a full-length trifold mirror at the corner by the big cabinets. His bed was really big. I bet it could fit four people and I had to shake myself to remove the troubling image that appeared in my head. There were two bedside nightstands each with their own lamps and drawers. I was admiring the silk sheets of the bed when it suddenly dawned on me.

That there was. Only. One. Bed.

So we would be sleeping together was that it?

I bit my lip thinking about it. There had to be a button around here somewhere, right? Or a lever? Something that would somehow make the bed transform into a bunkbed, or maybe make it slide another mattress from below it?

I searched under and on the sides of the bed. Nope, none.

Oh boy

I gave up my search and sat on the bed with a huff.

Now what

Suddenly I remembered Kylo.

My eyes widened and I jumped up on the bed. I bounced off of it and ran barefoot out the room and straight to the infirmary. I didn't know how long I was asleep but hopefully it had been enough that they'd release Kylo from the emergency room. When I reached the infirmary I grabbed the nearest droid by the arm.

"Where's Kylo Ren? Please." I added. Didn't want to become an ass.

The droid was dumbtsruck for a minute before answering me with Kylo's location. They had him put in a room at the far end of the infirmary. A private one. Which meant there was a passcode. The droid handed me a piece of paper and I sprinted to the room. I pushed the buttons of the code and the door slid open. Inside was Kylo Ren laid on the bed, his upper half exposed and his lower covered with a blanket. His eyes were shut, his face in a pained expression. I couldn't tell if he was asleep or not. I walked closer, examining his features more. His neck had a few scratches, his chest was bruised and had a few cuts, his arms also were wounded. I bit my lip as I sat on a chair beside his bed.

"Right then, if you should need anything, just press the--"

"Button on the side of the bed." I cut him off, smiling slightly. "I'll keep that in mind."

The droid nodded then left us alone.

I sighed and looked at Kylo again. A stray strand of hair was on his forehead, I reached out and brushed it off. Just as I was about to return my hand, his hand shot up and gripped my wrist.

"Kylo, it's me!" I hissed.

His eyes searched for mine and when he found them, his breathing calmed, although his expression was still pained.

"You" he whispered.

My eyes widened as he swiftly pulled me on top of him, and I didn't even have time to react when his arms immediately went around my waist, pulling me even closer to him. He inhaled deeply, taking the scent of my hair, then his hand went up to caress my neck.

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