Chapter 17

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Fiona's POV

After getting dressed, (outfit above), I went downstairs to the living room, where Shawn was. "We should tweet something about the Younow so everyone will know." I suggested.

I'm scared. I know that a lot of people will hate me but I have to tell them.


Go on my YouNow tonight at 9:30 for a big announcement with @shawnmendes!

I checked Shawn's twitter.


Big announcement tonight on @fionamiller Younow at 9:30!!

I had exchanged numbers with Lauren, so I decided to text her.

(L-Lauren F-Fiona)

F- Hey! I heard about what happened between you and Shawn. I'm sorry :(

L- Hey it's okay. I didn't really like him anyways. I just used him for a night or two ;-)

F- I hope that doesn't mean what I think it means.

L- It does ;-)

F- Umm okay well watch my Younow with Shawn at 9:30

L- Okay whatever bye

I didn't reply. She could be lying. I really don't think Shawn is that type of person. I'll just ask him some other time.

Time flew by, and it was 9:30 already. I turned on my laptop and signed in.

"Hey guys." I smiled. "This is going to be pretty short but me and Shawn have a big announcement." Shawn held my hand under the table.

"We're dating." We said in unison. Let's just say there were even more comments that I had to go through.

"That's all I had to say bye." I closed the Younow. "What's wrong?" Shawn asked, clearly worried. "I don't feel so well can you measure my temperature?" I told him.

He ran and got Amanda. She ran in with a thermometer. "Put this under your tongue and keep it there until you hear a beep."

I put in under my tongue and about 2 minutes later it beeped again.

"You have a 100.7 fever. I think you better lie down." Amanda said.

I decided to sleep because it was 10.

**Next Morning**

I woke up at about 8 in the morning. Nobody was awake but Matthew's bed was empty. I texted him.

(M-Matthew F-Fiona)

F- Where are you? I just woke up and your the only one awake and I can't seem to find you

M- I have to talk to you about Lexi. Meet me at Starbucks on Beach Avenue in 25 minutes.

F- Okay? Please tell me your not breaking up with her cause if you are you are going to die.

I waited for about 5 minutes for Matt to reply. He didn't.

I went to the upstairs bathroom and took a shower. After 8 minutes, I was done. I take quick showers. I put on a white tank top with a gray cardigan. I put on my jeans and went downstairs to get my gray Uggs.

I put them on and got the car keys to Taylor's Lamborghini. He won't mind. At least, I hope.

I wrote a quick note and left it on the counter.

I got in and drove to Starbucks. It's about 1 mile away and I didn't see any other cars taken so I guessed that Matt had walked.

When I got there, Matt was sitting at a table. I don't know how he managed to get one, because it was full.

"Why didn't you answer my last text." I asked, angry. "Because I'm having thoughts about dating Lexi." he bit his lip. "You're lucky we're in a public place or else I would've beat you up. But why?"

"I think Alexa's cheating on me."

"Why would you think that? She's not a slut and you're not a good boyfriend if you think that she is. I expected a bit more from you Matthew." I said, raising my voice slightly.

"I don't think she's a slut, but she's been texting this guy named Nate for the past few weeks." Matt said.

"Nate. Alexa's ex-boyfriend. Why would she talk to him. They dated in 8th grade. I mean, yeah Nate was very attractive, but he had a girlfriend while he was dating Alexa. So basically, he was cheating on Alexa, or he was cheating on his girlfriend with Alexa. But Alexa isn't a slut." I said.

He didn't say anything. "I'm going to get some coffee and a cupcake cause I haven't eaten. Want something?" I asked, slightly annoyed by Matthew.

"I'll come with you." he said. I left my stuff there so nobody would take our table.

The line almost went to the door of Starbucks. "Are you going to break up with her? Please don't." I said.

"She doesn't need to be heartbroken again." I said.

A/N- So here is another update for you guys. I don't think I will update before Christmas. Thank you for 1,236 reads! Can we get to 42 votes and 1,300 reads by Christmas? I might just have a surprise update for you that day ;-)
IG||@awk0.fiona @mendessinfinity
Vine||Queen Fiona

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