Chapter Fourteen: Free

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It's time, finally.

She'll be free,

And I'll be gone.

I was just a pawn.

(I) It doesn't matter.

I'll only shatter.


But she'll shine...

And without me, be fine.

I don't think I know why

I'm still here, but would rather die.

Better that way for all.

I'll take the fall.

She's the one they want.

I'm who they taunt.

In short: I give up.

You're free now.



"Something's changing. I can feel it. I know it. Something is going to happen, and it is going to change everything. Believe me."

"I don't know. I don't feel that."

"Of course you don't. You're still with her. You don't know what else is going on outside of her. But I do."

"....Thanks for that. It's very reassuring."

"Relax Char. I'm just stating what I know. "

"Alright, so if you're just stating what you know, why don't you tell me what you know about this feeling of yours?"

"Well, where would be the fun in that?"


"Honestly, I really don't know. It could be something good. It could be something bad. Only time will tell."



My hands are shaking. I almost feel nervous; scared. But I don't know why. I shouldn't feel this way. I know that Charlotte will be overjoyed when I tell her. But I still don't know why I'm nervous.

I want to.

I want to do this for her. She deserves something like this. Yet, I still feel worried.

I rub my palms against my jeans. They're clammy, and I just can’t stand that feeling.

I try to still my pounding my heart. It is to no avail. If anything, it just eats louder and harder. I'm sure that if somebody was standing next to me, they would be able to hear it!

I stand in front of the mirror. I'm more nervous than before. Even though I have practiced what I will say, I am practically shaking.

"Come on Alexandra, you can do it. She deserves this. Charlotte deserves this, so much more than you do.”

I try to give myself a pep talk. It doesn't work. I'm shaking even more. I am ashamed of myself. As I am sure Charlotte is as well.

I walk away from the mirror. I can't do it right now.

I'll do it soon. The next time I get up, I won't chicken out. I won't. I hope.

"This is going to be good. I can tell. I can't wait to see what it is."

"You still don't know, do you?"

"No, but I can see how nervous she is about this. She's trying to tell you something that's going to be good for you, but doesn't want to say it wrong."


I stand in front of the mirror again. I will not chicken out this time. I need to tell Charlotte that I thought that it was time.

I took a deep breath. "Charlotte?" I called into the mirror. Impatiently, I tapped my feet.

If she took any longer I would end up chickening out. Thankfully, she came after another minute.

"Charlotte," I whispered, my lips suddenly extremely dry. I licked them before continuing to speak. "Charlotte, I think we need to talk."

She looks at me oddly, before nodding. I know she wants to know what's going on in my head. I hesitate.

"I just...I'm not too sure that you really need me anymore..." I trail off.

Charlotte quickly jumps in. "What are you talking about, Alex? I wouldn't be anywhere without you."

I shrug and clear my throat. "While that may be true, it's only up to a point. What you really need is a body to host yourself in. I have that, and you really are the only one who does anything here. I'm just here for the ride-"

"But you remain-" Charlotte cuts me off, and then I return the favor.

"Don't cut me off. If I don't say this now, I'll lose my nerve." I look at her expectantly.

She takes a deep breath, and then let's it out through her nose. "Alright; go on."

"To be completely blunt with the whole thing: I am not doing anything anymore. I really am just here for the ride. You're the person in charge, the one that controls everything that is going on. I'm supplying a body, something for you to control."

I pause for a breath.

"What I'm really saying is that I think, no; I know that I am not contributing anything to you. I am merely disputing some of your decisions. You could be doing so much better than I am letting you be. I think it’s time that you acknowledge that I am holding you back.”

I take another breath. It is time for me to finally tell her the whole reason this conversation started.

"Charlotte...I think that it's time for you to take complete control over my body. I think it's time that we talked about what would, will, happen when I give you complete control over my body. I think it is time that you were the one in charge."

Charlotte looks astounded, to say the least. I don’t think that she was expecting this to happen, at all. But in her eyes, I see a hint of something, something that only looks happy…

But it isn’t there after a moment, that odd glint in her eyes. I think that I have just imagined it. Charlotte still only looks surprised by this sudden turn of event. I don’t blame her. If I were her, I would be too.

“But why? All of a sudden…Why this?” She asks me. I can hear the confusion in her voice.

I sigh, the air blowing my bangs out of my face. I don’t know what to do with my hands, and am just fiddling with them as I try to think of what to do. “Honestly Charlotte. You had to have known that this was a long time in coming. Tell me you didn’t hear me thinking about it in the back of our mind whenever we’re at school or something?”

Charlotte looks uncertain. I don’t think she has noticed them. “No, I haven’t,” She says, proving me to be right.


“Good answer…Good answer Charlotte.”

“…I wasn’t lying. I have not noticed anything else going on. I’ve been a little preoccupied…Sor-ree.”

“Shut up. You can be really stupid sometimes. Did you know that?”


I meant what I said. I meant everything that I told Charlotte. I really do think that she deserves it. At least, she deserves it more than I do. But whatever.

I told her. And it was like taking an anvil off of my shoulders.

Finally Charlotte will be free. She’ll be free from me.

I hope she’s happy.


I know. I'm sorry I didn't upload.....but I was seriously stuck.

Anyways, I did!!!



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