Chapter Nineteen: What's Left to Do

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I haven’t much left.

Soon, I will be bereft

Over my life.

It is like the blade of a knife,

Slicing me; cutting me.

But now I see,

I need more.

Even with nobody to adore (me),

I have things left undone.

Hate to ruin your fun.

I need this; all I ask of you.

It’s true;

After this I’m gone.

Not another dawn.

But I need another moment; second

Show them I’m a force to be reckoned.


“Care to explain why your hold seems to be slipping? Because you don’t have very much time left. You know that. The portal from Earth to Mirror will close soon, and they’re so unpredictable. The next one might happen next week, next year, whenever! You’re on a deadline, Char, and it looks like you’re the one fighting the uphill battle here.”

“Don’t you think I know that? Besides, your comments are NOT helping me out here. I know what I need to do. I know how little time I have left. And I do know exactly what to do.”



“What did you say?” I question her, disbelief tainting my voice.

Let me repeat: No.

“Regardless of what will happen in the future, Charlotte,” I snarl out her name, “this body is still mine. I still control it, at least for now. And you can’t tell me that I can’t do that. There is one more thing that I must do.”

Oh is there really? Well, too bad sweetheart. We only have limited time for this to be done. You know that.

“I’m sure that five extra minutes wouldn’t harm anybody.”

It would. But you wouldn’t know that, would you? All you’re concerned about is the fact that you’re going to be gone and I’ll be living your life. Did you ever think about the stress that comes with that?

“I did, actually. Being a bystander…Watching as my own life goes on…I can’t even imagine how that’s going to hurt. But I’m doing this because you deserve it. And whatever you may say, I’m getting those extra minutes.”

No. You’re not.

If I could see Charlotte right now, I would be glaring at her. Instead, I do everything that I can to spite her words.

With a lot of effort, I force my hand into the air. I can feel Charlotte’s disbelief, her anger at what I’m doing.

“If I could see Charlotte right now, I would be glaring at her. Instead, I do everything that I can to spite her words.

With a lot of effort, I force my hand into the air. I can feel Charlotte’s disbelief, her anger at what I’m doing.

“Yes, Alex?”

“Can I go to the bathroom?” I spit the words out at her quickly, but not rudely. That’s the last thing I need to do right now.

She nods, looking at me a little oddly. I ignore it. In fact, I ignore the rest of the class’ stares and move my stiff limbs out of the room.

But I can still feel Jasper’s stare burning a hole into my back.

I look at Charlotte in the mirror.

“What do you think you’re doing, Charlotte?”

What do I think I’m doing? What do YOU think you’re doing? I’m the one in control here, remember?

“You have the control that I gave you, remember?” I mock her words.

I feel my lips split into an unnerving grin, teeth and all. I wait for her next words, almost trembling in fear.

That’s what you think.


“Happy now? I took control of her. Now all I need to do is keep it until midnight tonight. Then, it will all finally be mine.”

“Yes…but you do actually have to keep control. I watched her get up and walk out the classroom. That was not you.”

“I let her do that.”

This time, I hear the voices, the unknown conversation that was going on in my head. One voice is Charlotte’s, I’m sure of it.

The other one sounds familiar.

I don’t understand the conversation fully. It doesn’t make sense to me. But it does make me wonder what else I have been missing. What other things have happened in my head that I didn’t know about?

“I’m sure you did. But are you sure she’ll let you stay in her head through the night? Have you asked her?”

“No matter if she refuses or says yes, I will be in her head. I’ve done it before without her permission; what’s one more time?”

So I was right.

Charlotte has stayed in my head before. Do I have no privacy anymore? Did I ever?

Because now it’s clear to me than ever that Charlotte never cared anything for me.

She just wants my life.

And now, she’s going to have to fight for it.

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