Chapter Eighteen: Finally

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Finally, we’ll be free.

Both of us will see

What we’ve always wanted to.

Something different, something new

It’s my turn to shine,

This life is no longer mine.

But something new is awaiting me.

And we’ll be both be free

To do what we want.

No tasks to daunt, haunt

Us while we live.

Lives just filtering through a sieve.

Finally, free.

Allowed to see



I can be me with no fears.

There’ll be no more tears

To coat my face at night,

When darkness brings truth to light.

Because we’ll both finally be free.

I’ll be me.


“You’re almost there, Char. What’s bothering you now? You should be how I was- ecstatic, to say the least. But right now… You just seem troubled.”

“I don’t know. Something just seems wrong to me. I feel like something is going to go wrong.”

“Oh relax! Nothing can go wrong right now. We’re almost there. No, we are there. All you have to do is finish the process.”

“I don’t know. I can’t be fully happy if I feel like something is about to ruin that.”

“Charlotte, you’re impossible.”


Just like every other day that week, I wake up to the sound of voices in my head. One of them is Charlotte’s, and the other is someone that she’s arguing with. How somebody else managed to get in my head, I have no idea, but I think it has something to do with Charlotte.

Go figure.

But onto other things.

Today is the day. We’re switching today. I can’t say that I’m completely ready, but I think I am as ready as I can be. But I just need to know what else has been going on in my head that Charlotte is causing. I don’t want to leave this life with questions. I want some answers.

I get up. I get dressed. And then I try to prepare myself.

This is my last day at school. Forever. Where I will be going, they won’t have any schools. I’ll live there, but nothing else.

And Charlotte needs to give me the answers that I deserve.

Knees wobbling, I go to stand in front of the mirror. I look at myself. I feel different. I feel as though Charlotte has already changed me, even though she’s not here yet.

“Charlotte?” I call out flatly into the mirror. I am pleased when my voice doesn’t shake like I have expected it to.

I stand there waiting for a few minutes. She has not yet responded. “Charlotte,” I call out again, thoroughly annoyed. I need to get to school. I want my last day to be perfect.

Here I am.

I jump, startled. Charlotte is already inside of my head.

“When did you get in here?” I ask, my voice sounding slightly breathless.

Just now.

I don’t believe her. Her voice sounds furtive, and almost guilty.

“Then why did I wake up, hearing your voice- every day for the past week? And don’t tell me that I’ve been imagining things. I know that I haven’t been.”

I don’t know where this sudden strength has come from, but I like it. I’ve never acted like this before.

And you never will again…

I move forward. I glance down at my limbs. I have no control over them anymore. Charlotte has taken that from me.

She took this from me without my permission. Has she ever done this before, and I just have not noticed?

And, to top it all off, she didn’t even respond to my question. Somehow, I get the feeling that she never will.


“Charlotte I don’t think that that was a very smart move. You should not have done that- what’s Alexandria going to think now?”

“I don’t care what is or what is not a smart move anymore. Alexandria needs to know that I am in control right now, and that I always will be.”

“Yes, but do you want her getting mad at you right now?”

“You know what? I don’t want to get a lecture from you right now. Leave me alone, Olive. Just go.”


Jasper caught my eye as soon as I walked into class. Well, at least I think he was looking at me. I don’t think that he was looking at Charlotte. Anyways, it felt like he was looking straight at me.

I think that he wants to talk to me today. He keeps on glancing back at me, and then looks away just as quickly.

Charlotte has not noticed. She is set on ignoring him. I think she wants me to do the same- but this last day will be the way that I want it to be.

I think, that at the end of this school day, I will ask Charlotte for one moment to myself. I need to speak to Jasper. As I stated before, I am not leaving this life with unanswered questions. And I know that if I don’t speak to Jasper today, I will spend the rest of my life (existence?) wondering what he would have said.

The hard part will be asking Charlotte.

Asking me what?

No better time than the present, I guess.


A/N: Yeah. I know. I should have updated. But I just couldn't do it. I have had no drive to write at all recently. I don't know why. I know what needs to happen. I know what I want to happen. But I have no words to explaing that with.

I guess I have writers block, but this feels different from that to me. I can't write anything. And if I do write something, chances are that I'll hate it.

Anyways, you don't need to hear about all my problems.

Remember to comment and vote if you liked the chapter. And if you didn't, please tell me why. I like constructive critisism just as much as I like regular comments.


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