Chapter Eleven: A Question

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Pile up, one on the other

Such a bother

They’re always there

Yet always gone

What do I do?

Sit here and wonder

Let somebody steal my thunder?

No answers anywhere

It’s not fair

They keep on piling up

Just wearing me down,

Day by day

I have no say

In what goes, and what


Nothing to be found

Are they just bound

To me?

Sworn to follow me?

I hope not

There is a lot

Too much

For me to ask

Just let me bask

In the silence for a little while longer


I’m racking my brain right now. We have just had dinner, and Charlotte has left me alone for the night. The moment that she left, I searched under my bed until I found the note. Now, I am looking at it, completely and utterly bewildered.

I do not see the correlation between the note and what Jasper said today in school. Yes, I do know that the note is from Jasper. What I do not get is how. But that’s another question for another time.

Right now, I have absolutely no idea what he could even mean. Why do you let her do this to you? I think about the words, run them through my head over and over again. The “her” probably means Charlotte, and the “you” is probably me.

“Why do I let her?” I ask aloud, before answering my own question. “Because, she’s just that much better than me, of course. That is why I let her.”

The words make sense in my head, but once I let them fall, I am not so sure anymore. Something just seems wrong about them. But they are true. I know that. I convinced myself of that so long ago. So why am I second- guessing myself now?

Besides, it is only a matter of time before it all becomes Charlotte’s. I have no reason to be second guessing her, second guessing myself right now. My decision has been made- at least, it had been. But now, I want, need to understand what Jasper has to do with all of this. And my grandmother. Why is she invading my dreams now?


“You can do it child. You can. You are strong enough. Stop doubting yourself, and listen to me for once. I know that it will be hard to overcome everything, but you can do it. I believe in you. And now, all you have to do is believe in yourself- you can do that. I am sure of it.”

I look, spin around in circles trying to find the person speaking to me. My heart hammers in my chest. There is no one there. There is no one around, yet a voice is echoing throughout the entire room. I do not recognize it. I do not want to hear it again.

“Stop,” I scream! “Stop it! Just leave me alone!”

It is true; I do just want to be left alone. I do not want to deal with anymore of the person speaking. Whoever it is is telling me to give up on Charlotte. I cannot do that. We have spent too long together. We have had each other for so long. I cannot do it without her.

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