School...... What fun

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      Remedial goodness 101. How to describe this class..... well for one how about offensive. I know it's to teach us how to be good but they audimaticlly assume we're going to like kill someone. News flash some of us were the ones being killed on the Isle. Here's an example.

     "Someone hands you a crying baby do you A. Curse it, B. Lock it in a tower, C. Give it a bottle, or D. Carve out it's heart?" Fairy Godmother asks.
    Evie pretends to not know the answer and asks "What was the second one again?" Then Fairy Godmother calls on Mal.

     "Mal how about you?"

    "C give it a bottle." Mal answers then goes back to drawing the wand.

    "Correct again."

     "Man you are on fire today girl." Carlos comments.

    I roll my eyes "It's easy for you guys just pick the one that doesn't sound like fun." Fairy Godmother looks concerned by my comment but I knew none of us would actually do any of this. It was just a front. You have to act tough to make it on the Isle. They all suddenly understand what to do.

      A girl with short brown hair and a light blue dress suddenly squeaks in fright and runs down the middle of the tables away from us. She hands something to Fairy Godmother with a mutter. Trying to hide but ends up getting introduced anyway. "Everyone this is my daughter Jane."

     Jane squeaks a hello then runs back down the isle between the tables and out to the hallway. Me and Mal share a look. If we were gonna get the wand the best way was through her. But our silent conversation was cut short by class continuing.

    "Let's continue shall we? You find a vile of poison do you A. Put it in the King's wine, B. Paint it on an apple, or C. Turn it over to the proper authorities?" Fairy godmother asks. Evie, Mal, and I all laugh at that second one. Jay, Carlos, and Evie all raise their hands to answer. Jay was picked and answered correctly but him and Carlos got into another brawl. What is with those two? "Boys I'm going to encourage you to use that energy on the turney field."

      Class ends and Jay and Carlos go try out for turney I think it is? I want to look around the school but I haven't been without one of my friends here and we're not exactly popular. I'm worried based off actions and looks in the hallway so far people here are exactly what my dad makes them out to be. Heartless, self important jerks who think everything they do us juified because their the good guys. You know like my dad. Huh would you look at that my dad warning me about himself. Anyway I just stick with Mal and Evie. We stop at Mal's locker and Evie leaves for chemistry. Ben, mean girl, and another guy are talking down the locker row from us.

     Then Ben comes up to Mal and I. "You know you should really think about taking this down off the locker and into art class. What do say about it?" Ben comments on the graffiti she did on her locker.

     Jane walks by and Mal say "way to take all the fun out of it." Before turing around and smacking him with her hair before walking off after Jane. Ben sighs and leans against the lockers.

     "You know your never gonna get with her that way." I say.

      "I don't know what you mean?" Ben asks confused.

     I roll my eyes. "Come on you like her I can tell besides it would be nice to know there is someone here who my dad is wrong about." I press.

      "Your dad? As in Clude Frollo right?" He asks changing the topic. "You know I ment to ask but I never got the chance why did they all jump in front of you when I went to shake your hand? Oh and why was Jay helping you walk are you ok?"

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